International Business Times - Charles Poladian, 4/30/13
The Citizens Hearing on Disclosure, or CHD, is attempting to look at evidence of extraterrestrials in a faux congressional setting. Panel members will be able to testify in front of former members of Congress over the course of a week beginning April 29.
The Citizens Hearing will include 40 different researchers and witnesses of extraterrestrial activity, including unexplained footage or photographs, close encounters, alien abductions and testimony from air-traffic controllers or military pilots from around the world. The individuals will testify in front of Senator Mike Gravel, D-Alaska; Rep. Darlene Hooley, D –Ore.; Rep. Carolyn Kilpatrick, D-Mich.; Rep. Lynn Woolsey, D-Calif.; and Rep Merrill Cook, R-Utah.
More: International Business Times