Balsamic Moon Phase - Moon in Aries
Ruling Mahavidya - Chinnamasta
Today we end the transit of the Black Moon to the Galactic Center. With it comes relief from the energy of degeneration of old or outworn ideas, beliefs, and feelings. We are refreshed and renewed with the regeneration that comes at the end of the transit. Prepare for the upswing as the phoenix rises from the ashes of what has been burned away.
But before that, the Moon will once again contact the Eris point, so we need to be mindful of what we say and do because the tendency is to act or lash out. This will be in effect most of the day, but will end around 3:00 pm ET when the Black Moon makes exact opposition to the GC.
We are focusing on the rebirth aspect of this energy because we now have a truly refreshed and upgraded energy system.
However, when we have an energetic upgrade, it affects everyone differently. We can find ourselves out of synch or out of resonance with people and this can cause upset. It will take a little time for things to settle out, so don't rush to judgment. There is an element of "separation by vibration" (people not in the same frequency or mindset) anytime we have an upgrade, and there is an adjustment period. This usually only takes a couple of days, so hold off on your evaluation of things.
Instead, let's look at what the divine beings in the Galactic Center have sent to us in support of our project with the planet, Gaia-Sophia.
(Special thanks to everyone for the get well wishes!)