~ Eclipse, New Moon Energies, and Inside a Solar Wind Stream YEEHAW

Lia's picture


Greetings Love Beings, Yeehaw We are In Some Intense Energies! Many are Already feeling the New Moon and Eclipse Energies and We are also Inside A Solar Wind Stream. This Incoming Eclispe is the Ring of FIRE!  We are Heating It Up for Massive Change Unfolding Across the Planet. Thge Ball is rolling in Love's Favor and will Become Grander and Grander. You can Join 2 Chat Sessions Today On the Hihger Grid Beginning at 11:am Pacific at this Link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress  Love The Earth Allies


East About to Be Overrun by Billions of Cicadas


Weather.com - 5/06/13

5 year old Chase Harrison holds up a cicada he caught near his home in Alexandria, Virginia in May 2004. (Image: Stephen Jaffe/AFP/Getty Images)


WASHINGTON -- Any day now, billions of cicadas with bulging red eyes will crawl out of the earth after 17 years underground and overrun the East Coast. They will arrive in such numbers that people from North Carolina to Connecticut will be outnumbered roughly 600-to-1. Maybe more.

But ominous as that sounds - along with scientists' horror-movie name for the infestation, Brood II - they're harmless. These insects won't hurt you or other animals. At worst, they might damage a few saplings or young shrubs. Mostly they will blanket certain pockets of the region, though lots of people won't ever see them.

More: Weather.com



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Newest Video Highlights from Citizens Hearing on Disclosure


Source: YouTube.com, published by CitizenHearingMedia











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Truth Is Out There? Really? Ex-Lawmakers Piqued, but Skeptical on ETs


ABC News - 5/02/13, Chris Good

 UFO near Capitol building

UFOs aren't often discussed in Washington, D.C., and former members of Congress don't often hold hearings.

But that's what's happening this week at the National Press Club, where the UFO advocacy group Paradigm Research has paid $20,000 each to former Sen. Mike Gravel and former Reps. Roscoe Bartlett, Merrill Cook, Lynn Woolsey, Carolyn Kilpatrick, and Darlene Hooley to stage a five-day "hearing" modeled after congressional proceedings to examine evidence of UFO sightings and the possibility of advanced extraterrestrial life. The program has an eye toward government disclosure of whatever the military and intelligence communities may know about the subject.

More: ABC News



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Former lawmakers hold mock hearing about aliens


Fox13Now.com - Mark Green, 5/06/13


WASHINGTON  – A former Utah Congressman was one of several former lawmakers who participated in a mock Congressional hearing on the subject of aliens.



The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure used former lawmakers to conduct a hearing as much like an actual Congressional hearing as possible. According to their website, “The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure will attempt to accomplish what the U.S. Congress has failed to do for forty-five years – seek out the facts surrounding the most important issue of this or any time.”


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Rain Downs Trees, Power Lines in Southeast; 1 Dead


Weather.com - 5/06/13, AP

Days of rain in the Southeast U.S. have left roads underwater and rivers and creeks at high levels.  The flooding threat will continue for several more days. 

Heavy rain caused flooding from northern Alabama and northern Georgia to western North Carolina over the weekend, said weather.com meteorologist Chris Dolce.

Video and more: Weather.com



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Solar Flare Launches 120,000 Miles into Space


Weather.com - Tariq Malik, SPACE.com, May 6, 2013

A burst of solar material leaps off the left side of the sun in what’s known as a prominence eruption. This image combines three images from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured on May 3, 2013, at 1:45 p.m. NASA/SDO/AIA


An intense solar storm erupted from the sun on Friday in a dazzling space weather display captured by a NASA spacecraft.

The solar flare erupted from the edge the sun, with NASA's powerful Solar Dynamics Observatory snapping photos of the sun storm. The flare peaked at 1:32 p.m. EDT, registering as a relatively medium-strength M5.7-class event.

Video and more: Weather.com



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13 Students Hurt in School Bus Crash; Fog Blamed


Wunderground.com - 5/06/13, Nick Wiltgen

Battle Creek, Neb.

Police and fire officials survey the aftermath of a crash involving a school bus and a semi-truck in thick fog near Battle Creek, Neb., on May 6, 2013. (Photo credit: Norfolk Daily News)


Dense fog is being blamed for a school bus crash that injured 13 students in northeast Nebraska early Monday morning.

According to the Norfolk Daily News, a school bus from Battle Creek, Neb., collided with a semi-truck at a fog-shrouded rural intersection along U.S. Highway 275 four miles west of Norfolk. Fourteen students were aboard the bus at the time. Officials said the drivers did not see each other because of the fog.

More: Wunderground.com


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Latest Earthquake Activity - May 7, 2013


Source: USGS.gov
Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.

Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.


10-degree map showing recent earthquakes

Map of the 5.8 quake SOUTH OF THE FIJI ISLANDS


All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.


May 7


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Arctic Ocean 'Rapidly Accumulating Carbon Dioxide': Report


Weather.com - 5/06/13

A handout picture provided by Greenpeace in April 2013 at the North Pole on the Arctic ocean shows the 'Save The Arctic' movement taking part in the world's largest participatory art project - the acclaimed 'Inside Out' project - by creating a unique art piece at the North Pole. Christian Aslund/AFP/Getty Images


The Arctic Ocean is rapidly becoming more acidic thanks to changes in the global carbon cycle and carbon dioxide pumped into the atmosphere by humans, according to a report released in early May.


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~ YES FINALLY!~ ITS TIME! Love Light Do Shine ! ! !


  Video Presentation Truth through Earth Ally Doug Feese

Its time To Awaken!


You can Join us Live Right Now 4:00pm Pacific at this Link for a Galactic Love Party In this TRUTH:



 What Happened during the Playing of this Video From the TC Room  Monday 5~6~13
brightlight: im half way on it, amazing till now
[3:42 PM] MotherGod: *started a YouTube-video: Love Light Do Shine ! ! !.*

All Pacific Time
[3:42 PM] MotherGod: Choo Choo
[3:43 PM] FG1: COOL MG
[3:44 PM] MotherGod: Crying tears of Joy for Humanity





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Restoring Christ Consciousness Grid through the Atlantis Program ~Thoth



Commentary from The Galactic Free Press, I would not pay so much attention to the wording of the following message or the time frames. This is True and The Higher Real Grid HAs Been Established is On and Active YEEHAW!, The First Wavers Completed this Aspect of the Divine Mission Love The Earth Allies



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The Heart's Intuitive Intelligence: A path to personal, social and global coherence


The Spiritual Heart -- is in a way a little like a smart phone, invisibly connecting us to a large network of information. It is through an unseen energy that the heart emits that humans are profoundly connected to all living things. The energy of the heart literally links us to each other. Every person's heart contributes to a 'collective field environment.' This short video explains the importance of this connection and how we each add to this collective energy field. The energetic field of the heart even connects us with the earth itself.

The Institute of HeartMath (http://www.heartmath.org) is helping provide a more comprehensive picture of this connection between all living things through a special science-based project called the Global Coherence Initiative (http:///www.glcoherence.org.) They hope to help explain the mysteries of this connection between people and the earth...and even the sun.

Scientists at the Institute of HeartMath (IHM) have already conducted extensive research on the power of heart, the heart/brain connection, heart intelligence and practical intuition.

Whether personal relationships, social connections, or even the global community - we are all connected through a field of electromagnetic energy. Increasing individual awareness of what we bring to this field environment could be the key to creating a sustainable future, a future that we can be proud to have helped create. Learn more about this research, http://www.heartmath.org/heart-intell..., scroll to bottom of the page.


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Here's to Gratitude Womb Love: Mother Womb Mantra


I have been contemplating my womb, mother earths womb, and all wombs all over the world.

Why?  Because in most of our cultures, we don't revere, uphold, respect, honor, or pray to our wombs...   And the more this sinks into me, the more I ask myself, Why?

We all came from the womb.... It is our first home.  Yet, when I honestly ask myself what are the first adjectives I used in reference to my womb, it would be shame, suppression, hatred, & confusion.

I learned shame from my first religion.
I learned shame from culture & familia.
I learned shame from society and from the stories that were handed down to me.
I learned to look at my monthly cycle with shame from mainstream societies cruel jokes about our sacred menses, for example.
I started to hate my cycle and looked for ways to control it.
I learned suppression of my womb from so many examples around me. And as a result, I shut down and suppressed the essence of my true wisdom and power.
I now release confusion and allow forgiveness to enter me and move through me. I know now that many of the things that I learned or have been exposed to are not true. For this I am grateful.

My womb is home. It is my foundation. My womb is the heart of my power, my wisdom, and my strength. My womb is to be upholded, revered, respected, prayed for, and loved. And this womb loving starts with me and not any expectation that someone else has to do it for me.  This womb loving starts with you.  This womb loving starts with us.  It is time for this shift. Now now now...  ;-) I lovingly invite you to join us over on The Gratitude Movement on Facebook and share in the co-creation of womb love, healing, and empowerment.

Here's the womb love.  Here's to womb truth. 


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We Have Never Been Alone


 Wes Annac

Lift Your Spirit FinalListening to Stephen Cook’s Lift Your Spirit radio show, I get a true and real sense of how interconnected every one of us are in terms of what we are feeling, experiencing and learning. The stories and lessons that were shared by fellow awakening souls seemed to almost-exactly mirror what I have been feeling and undergoing, and it’s truly amazing to see that I am not alone in any way during my journey on Earth.

I am one who tends to remain silent about my beliefs and how I feel to those around me, and I don’t tend to hold many discussions with fellow awakening souls over the internet or in person.

The exchanges I do have usually prove fruitful and helpful for me personally, but it can be easy to forget that in this very moment, there are millions of other awakening souls just like me who are learning, growing and experiencing the lessons that help initiate us into higher states of consciousness and awareness.


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Love, Compassion and Forgiveness, Written by Caroline K.A.



May 6, 2013 by Starlight



Love, Compassion and Forgiveness are the three prime components in our ascension process.  How many times have we been asked to show unconditional love for everyone and everything, especially ourselves?  How many times have we been asked to show compassion and forgiveness?  This sounds like a relatively easy concept to understand, but when we’re faced with experiences in our lives which are troublesome, and cause us pain, how do we find our way back to feeling love, and compassion for what hurt us?  How do we find it within ourselves to forgive?

Love, Compassion and Forgiveness are essential in the access, and release of what no longer serves us, and our new way of being.

When we love all aspects of ourselves, and others, and when we feel genuine heart-felt compassion, especially for those who have hurt us, forgiveness sets in, and like truth, it sets us free.


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Ascended light being video


Messages from our Ascended Light Beings


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ONE Divine Consciousness


ONE Divine Consciousness

We are all magnificent, powerful and Divine Co-creators of the Great ONE.

LOVE is the omnipresent force of the universe, it unifies energy and consciousness.

Video intended for spiritual mass awakening.



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Jelaila Starr ~ A Remedy For Anxiety & Despair


Nibiruan Council May 6 2013

Video link to message

If you’ve been reading my weekly messages then you know about the “Pressure Cooker.” For those unfamiliar, it is the effects that we are feeling as we move through the very high vibrating portion of the Photon Band or Galactic Superwave. This stream, emanating from the galactic core is transforming us into a higher state.

For those aware, it means shedding the parts of ourselves that will no longer be useful. That means old polarized 3D beliefs based in fear. It also means releasing the pain of old wounds because we finally understand the lesson for which they were inflicted. But how do we calm the almost daily feelings of anxiousness and powerlessness, both considered normal reactions to being in the Pressure Cooker? How do we shift our mood so that we manifest what we want when we are really down, anxious and/or depressed. Here’s a technique I’ve developed that seems to really work for me so I’ll pass it on.


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Weekly Forecast: May 5 – 11, 2013


The Golden Age Daily May 6, 2013 A message from Kelly Beard

Kelly M Beard

The Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast covers the current planetary transits which affect people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity. Take notice when it is a Personal planet (Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars) interacting with a Social (Jupiter/Saturn) or Collective planet (Uranus / Neptune/Pluto). And pay extremely close attention when it is a Social planet interacting with a Collective planet because that means something *big* is brewing that will move large groups of people along their evolutionary paths. Tuning in to the energy and rhythm of the planets can serve as a useful *guide* as you move along your Individual Path. It also helps to understand your place within the context of the larger Social & Collective Story. Below, you will find out how these energies tend to manifest, as well as guidance and direction.

*NOTE* There are some days when there are NO CONTACTS (besides the Moon), please note that there are no missing entries, we just list the actual Activations of each week + the day they happen.

Weekly Forecast: May 5 – 11, 2013


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5/6/2013 — Idaho earthquakes continue — moved from Lava Hot Springs, ID to the Yellowstone lava chamber.


sincedutch.wordpress.com- 5/6/13, dutchsinse




On top of the 4.2M and 3.7M earthquakes at Lava Hot Springs, ID…. we’re now seeing movement in North Central Idaho….  directly above the magma chamber for the main Yellowstone Caldera.

Also, just north of Craters of the Moon, and Hell’s Half Acre volcanoes in Idaho.


For more charts, diagrams on this story please see sinsedutch.com


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Volcanic activity worldwide 5-6 May 2013: eruptions at Cleveland, Tungurahua, Lokon, Bagana


Volcano Discovery Monday May 06, 2013 11:25 AM

MODIS hot spot data for Paluweh island, showing the hot pyroclastic deposits S, E and W of the dome (MODIS, Univ. Hawaii)

MODIS hot spot data for Paluweh island, showing the hot pyroclastic deposits S, E and W of the dome (MODIS, Univ. Hawaii)

Eruption plume from Cleveland yesterday (AVO / USGS)

Eruption plume from Cleveland yesterday (AVO / USGS)


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Record-Challenging Warmth Across the Northwest


Accuweather.com - 5/07/13

Warmth will continue across the Northwest on Tuesday following a day where high temperatures challenged records that were decades old.

Above-normal temperatures are here to stay for the Northwest as the upper-level ridge responsible for these record-challenging temperatures remains over the region.

Video and more: Accuweather.com



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NW Coastal Washington hotter than Death Valley on Sunday May 5th


Wunderground.com-5/16/13, Christopher Burt



Map of U.S. and location of Quillayute (also known as La Push). The Airport servicing La Push is called the Quillayute Airport and where the weather observations are made. The village is set on a small peninsula that juts out into the frigid Pacific Ocean where the SST would be around 48° this time of year. One can imagine how unusual it is for this site to be one of the hottest in the country on any given day. Photo from AirPhotoNA.com


One of the hottest places in the country yesterday (May 5th) was Quillayute (La Push), Washington located near the northwestern tip of the Olympic Peninsula in Washington where a record 88° was reported. This smashed their previous daily record by 15° (73° in 1994) and made it warmer than even Death Valley, California where it was 87° on Sunday.


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Annular solar eclipse on May 9/10, 2013


The Watchers, Chillymanjaro- 5/6/13


An annular solar eclipse will take place on May 9/10, 2013, with a magnitude of 0.9544. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, thereby totally or partially obscuring the image of the Sun for a viewer on Earth. An annular solar eclipse occurs when the Moon’s apparent diameter is smaller than the Sun, causing the Sun to look like an annulus (ring), blocking most of the Sun’s light. An annular eclipse appears as a partial eclipse over a region thousands of kilometres wide. This annular eclipse is also start of Saros 138 cycle.   Annularity will be visible from northern Australia and the southern Pacific Ocean, with the maximum of 6...



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Big Story Weather – May 7, 2013


Red Orbit.com - 5/7/13



Daily weather forecast and wrap-up provided by redOrbit meteorologist Joshua Kelly.

redOrbit Meteorologist Joshua Kelly


Big Story Weather from May 6: The cut-off low over the Southeast brought another day of heavy rainfall to the region. The second big story of the day was the light rain that fell over the Southwest – a region that is really dry at this time.







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Funneling Consciousness Down, Transmuting Accumulated Density and Traveling with Faith


The Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral[Etheric] Planes

Posted by Wes Annac

-through Wes Annac-

Continuing to show dedication to your ongoing spiritual path will see you well on your way, now and in the time ahead. You are growing into purer aspects of the ultimate oversoul consciousness that is you, and along this process you will encounter some discomfort along the way that we hope to be able to assist you with in any moment.

To those extents, we work far beyond issuing our communications for the collective of humanity to absorb and hopefully benefit from. We are working from a myriad of different positions on the ascension of your Earth and on the awakening of each and every dear Earth soul who is still stuck in the limitations of the third dimension.


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54: Philippine volcano erupts violently, spews rocks: kills five climbers


The Extinction Protocol-5/7/13






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Contact Is Now, 5D Is Here – by James Gilliland, May 6, 2013 | 2012: What’s the ‘real’ truth?


2012 Indy Info- 5/6/13



Many were waiting for the grand shift December 21st,2012.


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Heavenletter #4547 - The Magic Path


Heaven Letters Published on: May 7, 2013

God said:

Much of what goes on in the world moves like a double helix. No matter how irregular something may seem to you, no matter how much of a mistake you may think something is, what you see as a mistake or even a grievous error is very like a double helix following its pattern.

You may see wildness rather than pattern. You may see effrontery, yet you are seeing a magic path where a blessing is righting itself. This magic path is offering you something from one aspect of life to another, and you are in process of making an adjustment. Who can rightly call what may be a mere adjustment a grievous error? In truth, you are talking about tuning a piano. Or you are talking about fixing a window that doesn’t close properly. Or darning socks with holes in them. Is it an error to note holes in socks so that you will darn them?


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The Oracle Report Tuesday, May 7, 2013


The Oracle Report

Balsamic Moon Phase - Moon in Aries

Ruling Mahavidya - Chinnamasta 

Today we end the transit of the Black Moon to the Galactic Center.  With it comes relief from the energy of degeneration of old or outworn ideas, beliefs, and feelings.  We are refreshed and renewed with the regeneration that comes at the end of the transit.  Prepare for the upswing as the phoenix rises from the ashes of what has been burned away.


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4MIN News May 7, 2013: Volcanos Erupt, Spaceweather




Source: YouTube.com

By: Suspicious0bservers



Published on May 7, 2013


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Re~Hearter - Two Chat Sessions This Afternoon! Please Join Us.


Please join us this afternoon! ALL are welcome.






heartWelcome to The Fifth Dimension (With Rain)

Tuesdays and Thursdays -- 2 to 4 pm Eastern
(11am to 1 pm Pacific)

I welcome ALL LOVE BEings to join us as we talk about navigating the Fifth Dimension together, flowing in the River of the Oneness Energy. We can't get lost if we co-create with LOVE.

~ Love, Rain


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Natalie Glasson – Fairy Bluebell – Wisdom Of The Faries – 6 May 2013



(Bluebell is Natalie’s Fairy Guide)

I bring to you messages and vibrations of love from the fairy kingdom, our greetings are always with you as we send vibrations from our hearts each time you connect or observe nature. One of our main purposes is to amplify and encourage your connection with nature upon the Earth. When we see you connecting into the energies of nature it creates waves of bliss within our heart chakras because we know that you are connecting into the vibration of the Creator. We understand that when you gaze upon nature especially the plant kingdom you are seeing the mirror image of the beauty of the Creator which is within you.


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New Zealand's worst drought in 30 years is over


Weatherzone, By: Sarina Locke, 05/06/2013


The drought has broken in New Zealand, marking an end to the driest period in 30 years. There have been significant falls of rain on the harder-hit North Island over the past two weeks.


The dairy industry is estimated to have lost $1.4 billion ($NZ1.7 billion) because of the cost of feeding and reduced milk supply. Conor English, chief executive of the Federated Farmers of New Zealand, says dairy production will continue to be at a reduced level.


For more on this story visit www.weatherzone.com


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Meredith Murphy ~ The Pleiadians for May 2013: Passage to Expansive Freedom


Monday, 6 May, 2013

Greetings Dear Ones,

We are the Pleaidian Emissaries of Light and we speak to you through an expanded corridor of connection which was established almost a year ago, during the Eclipse Cycle of May 2012. Since that time so much has transpired in your world and in your lives. Know that the themes you are experiencing are also felt within larger spheres of organization, the fields of light and energy you think of as the galaxy and even the Universe.

More and more you are realizing the true nature of your being.


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The Light Returns~ Selacia



Monday, 6 May, 2013

This 2013 Wesak season is unique, with vast potential to catapult you into a higher vibrational state of being. Be awake to the opportunities and you will have potent fuel for your enlightenment. You can shed significant amounts of old dysfunctional patterns and step into your higher purpose – much easier than ever before.

Why is this Wesak different?

First, there has been a significant quickening in humanity’s awakening since last year. Events on a world scale and shifts in consciousness mean dramatic changes in how people view and respond to circumstance. There were high points in the awakening process during 2012 – including the December 21 Solstice – but this Wesak carries even greater potentials.

Second, regardless of how you view your own spiritual progress over the past year, you indeed have grown in awareness and capacity to shine your light brightly in the world. Sometimes you may feel you’re the same as before, or simply frustrated about longtime challenges that persist. It takes great clarity to notice your subtle inner shifts. Appearances can be deceiving. Trust that you aren’t the same being you were a year ago.


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WALGA backs push for properly rated cyclone shelters



Weatherzone, By: ABC, 05/06/2013


The WA Local Government Association (WALGA) has endorsed a proposal for the Building Code of Australia to include minimum standards for cyclone shelters. Pilbara councils requested the association support the move at WALGA's state council meeting in Karratha on Friday.


The Shire of Roebourne says there are currently no specific standards for cyclone shelters in the community or for private shelters, such as those on mine sites. Pilbara Regional Council chairwoman and WALGA deputy state president, Lynne Craigie, says a request will now be lodged with the building codes board.


For more on this story visit www.weatherzone.com


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Are You Holding On To Your Old Dream, Or Making Room For The New One?



I swear, I need to put my running shoes on to do the readings these days!!  We are changing and evolving so fast, my head is spinning.  Not to mention, my own vocabulary is becoming more and more inept in reflecting the depth that is happening within each of us.

There are two primary images being reflected back to us right now, tree reflected people and solar prominence reflected people.  We are just at the very very beginning of this new chapter in our evolution and I know there is much more to understand with it all and at this moment, spirit is not giving us a preview into the next chapter!

I am going to start by explaining the tree element (simply because I find it easier to do.)  Of the 11 readings I have done in the last two days, three people have shown up with a tree as the core aspect of their reading, each one in a vastly different phase of… well tree life! (smile)  I already talked about one yesterday already being uprooted and these next 5 months will serve to pour in the energy for her replanting from one state to another.  Yesterday, two more tree related people showed up.


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Choose Wisely


Angel Wisdom Tuesday, May 7, 2013


 Decisions are at hand



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AgForce demands more drought policy reform details


Weatherzone, By Chrissy Arthur and Amy McCosker, 05/06/2013


Rural lobby group AgForce says the Federal Government's drought policy reforms need to be finalised quickly, with one-third of Queensland now in drought. All states and territories are signatories to the agreement, which includes farm household support payments and taxation measures.


AgForce general president Ian Burnett says assistance needs to be more than just helping producers prepare for drought.


For more on this story visit www.weatherzone.com


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The energies were so intense this morning that I decided to mow my lawn, hoping to ground with Mother Gaia. Well worth the effort it would take to pull the mower out of the shed, I thought. We have a push type- power wheel mower; so its not  really a lot of work, mostly just pleasant walking.

 As I mowed, I began to wonder if the grass enjoyed being mowed. I know I don't really like to mow, but it looks lovely when its done. The birds were singing, the grass a emerald green, the river shining back the reflections of the clouds and sun. The mower and I made our runs in a state of total gratitude! It was then, in that moment of now, that I heard the grass singing through my feet!


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NFF says big drought questions remain unanswered


Weatherzone, By: Anna Vidot, 05/06/2013


The national farm lobby says Australia's drought reform agreement is a good step forward, but leaves the biggest policy questions unresolved. State, territory and federal agriculture ministers met on Friday and signed off on the National Drought Program reform, that solidified their support for five principles first outlined last October.


Those include a commitment to drought preparedness over crisis management, tax reform through the Farm Management Deposit scheme, household support payments and better social service and training provisions. But the National Farmers Federation's Brent Finlay says the crucial details about all of that, as well as what support will be available to farmers in a drought, still isn't there.


For more on this story visit www.weatherzone.com


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NSW Government will help fund drought reform


Weatherzone, By: Lucy Barbour (ABC), 05/06/2013


The NSW Government has pledged to provide financial support for the Federal Government's national drought reform package.


It comes after the nation's agriculture ministers gave their tick of approval to the Commonwealth's National Drought Program Reform late last week. NSW Minister for Primary Industries Katrina Hodgkinson can't say how much money will be on the table.


For more on this story visit www.weatherzone.com


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