~Seven Heaven~

Lia's picture

~Love Reporter Rita Papadopoulou~

~Seven Heaven~



Seven Doors Seven Heaven Seven Sisters Seven Floors Seven Days Did You Notice That This Number Is One Of The Most Important In The Whole Universe… The Seven Days…. Of The Creation The Seven Floors…Heaven Have You Heard The Expression I was Lifted Up To The Seventh Floor? The Seven Sisters… The Pleiades Our Galactic Friends From Different Planets Have United Their Knowledge And Kindness And Empowered Us With Their Unconditional Love To Help Mother Earth And Her Inhabitants To Raise Our Frequency The Seven Heaven The Layers That Are Upon Mother Earth The Seven Doors.. No Matter Which One You Choose All These Portals Are The Entrance Of Heaven The Key Which Will Open The Door Is The Unconditional Love You Must Be Filled With This Love Will Allow Your Self To Be Released Of The Ego You Will Be Able With This New Vibration To Raise Your Frequency Towards The …Light Filled With This New Energy You Will Enter The Heaven The Kingdom … Of Light

Love~Light Namaste'
