1.5.13 - Recorded during my early morning meditation and asked for my guide in the Sun to come forward.
We go on to (sounds like) Aberconvonday. We feel the motion . . . we feel the bliss. Unknown destinations drift into view, playing their part in this great scenario, this massive explosion of exploits on the horizon, waiting to be accomplished. We spend our time accessing monolithic experiences that raise our frequencies, projecting us far out into the cosmos, leading us to greater realisation of all that life has to offer. We detonate a series of experiences, propelling you to a place of safety when in greatest need. We march on a world that has outgrown its initial combination of humour and self-sacrifice. It has been necessary to conjure up a new stream of thought that will allow for greater compilations of genuine historical advantage. This is a time of great healing and great apprehension among mankind. We take up the banner of hope and propel you forward into a new dimension where you can be girded together to form a new coalition, one of extreme advantage for all who grow and prosper in the name of love. Love is the be all and end all! Love is the concrete evidence that supports the universe, it is the grounding structure from which all life springs; it is eternal . . . it is relentless . . . it springs from the core of our very being, opening up a network of services that spread far and wide, encompassing the hearts and minds of mankind. We welcome you to these shores and open our arms to receive you in all love and honesty of spirit. We take care of you and protect you, and ask you to monitor your success as we help you to achieve what has been uppermost in your heart and mind over these many years. Sequentially, we alert the mind to accept these frequencies that bombard you, opening up the network, a reprogramming that will restructure your mind and assist you on your journey. We have been grounded on several occasions in the past but now we move forward at an alarming rate, opening up new passages to explore, delving deeper and deeper into issues that have lain dormant and which need to be overcome to move forward. We propel you forward to do your duty and we initialise the greatest respect in those who come to serve.
We respect your wishes to stay on board until the final moment when all will come to fruition. And we shall become as one once more in a new world of fresh hope, principled and flourishing in a new state of existence that will give succour to all who draw near, experiencing for themselves what is available to every man, woman and child upon this planet. We register your concerns and we have put in place a simple but most effective by-product of our love. We have simplified this connection and allow you greater access through our memory banks. This will forestall any claims of grandiose nature that do not register within our cells as being pertinent to our quest for truth and light, and love beyond all earthly measure. We point you in the direction where those saints have trod, and where has sprung an eternal pathway of hope and joy. We prepare for that that day when our hearts will sing and we are eternal optimists for the future of mankind. Bruised egos contemplate their mission upon Earth and we confound those who do not register our appeal as being absolute. We allow a network of services to
stretch far and wide and we bring you absolution, each and every one of you, to begin again . . . to start life anew in a new world of strength and grace.
We prepare for a massive recall of envoys that have completed their mission on Earth . . . this has been of great importance. We allow a falling back into place of those reserves of energy that shall assist us. We manoeuvre into place those who come to serve and we reinstate those who have fallen by the wayside. We impel you to take heed of the quest you are on and to install the greatest respect for those you work with and who look to you for advice on all matters relating to the spirit. We connect you to a frequency that will sample some home truths that will enable you to take on board a greater resistance and endurance for the times ahead. We march with ever increasing strength and fortitude and put it to you that we shall never give up on our quest for the human race!
I have been struggling to keep my head above water and asked if my finances would improve.
There has been a memory retrograde that has left us slipping. We untangle the knots that lead to despair and we open up the conduits that will allow free access. We supply you with means of entry into a new world where the material constructs slip away. There is no need for vast sums of what you call ‘money’. The counterpart is love, assisting one another in your daily lives requires little much else, and regard for another as for yourself. On Earth everybody sets great store by financial gains and what is in the heart has become a matter of conjecture. We allow you to see with your hearts, to see and realise a great fortune of treasure that is built up with your regard, with your love for your fellow man, for your neighbour. We do not set such store by personal fame or fortune; we are measured by the love within our hearts, and we conqueror over humiliation that is brought upon those who have no real assets apart from a love which is within them, which is far greater! You will be looked after and provided for; all is being prepared for a most worthwhile future. And we shall tread those boards of fame and fortune, relishing your great success in accomplishing a mammoth task within an allotted time frame. Go now my child in peace and protection.