More people are waking up more and more governed by a sense of a Higher Purpose.

Lia's picture

Authored by: Åse Karin Steinsland

Gigantic breach of the magnetic field detected by NASA.
How are the people of this increasing cosmic radiation?
In order to thrive, we must integrate this new cosmic light energy break in the magnetic field helps to drop in, just as we sometimes need to upgrade computers for them to work.

    Auroras mythological significance
    Northern Lights sings
    The human body is controlled by electromagnetism
    The relationship between electric charge and the body's pH
    How are people physically and mentally by solar storms?
    Purification of people's inherent fear

Climate myth shattered once and for all. The sun and the so-called "cosmic rays" control the climate of the earth, not CO2. We know now by laboratory experiments conducted at CERN. But why are not politicians this great news coming out?

Our sun is currently in the middle of an active phase of its 11-year cycle that will peak in 2013, and it's not just GPS systems, satellites and flights affected by geomagnetic storms. The human body is also influenced largely by solar storms.

 More on this a little further down in the article.

Now NASA has discovered a breach in Earth's magnetic field ten times larger than previously thought. The break itself is not the biggest surprise.

"First, I would not believe it, says THEMIS project scientist David Sibeck at Goddard Space Flight Center. "This finding fundamentally alters our understanding of the interaction between solar flares and the Earth's magnetic field."

Earth's magnetic field

The electrically charged particles from the sun are stopped by the magnetic field and follows under normal circumstances the magnetic field towards the poles. Thus the Northern Lights - as seen from space will the northern lights flicker in a circle around each of the magnetic poles.

    Radiation burden will increase dramatically and will affect our genetic hereditary material (DNA / RNA).

The Global Coherence Initiative has proven that human radiation also affects the environment. When many people are experiencing the same, so this can be measured in the global electromagnetic fields around the earth.

When the magnetic field disappears, release particles more or less directly into the Earth's atmosphere also at lower latitudes where most people live, such as is the case now. Northern Lights were observed down in Denmark, which is unusual.

We are electromagnetic beings, so naturally enough we are affected too. 

I've noticed that I get lighter electric shock when I take the door handle, the car, etc. during periods of solar storms.

Powerful energies are broadcast from the galaxy's center, across the room, and beamed through the sun and into our world. The cosmic rays are directed towards the earth to transform our consciousness to a new and higher level.

Aurora Borealis alerts that the sun will come.
Auroras mythological significance

The Northern Lights are also called Aurora Borealis. A Scandinavian myth is that the northern lights shining with the light from the souls of young women. Aurora is in Greek mythology, the Roman goddess of dawn / sunrise.

    Borealis is the Greek name for the north wind.

She was a beautiful woman who flew across the sky and announced "The sun's coming."

Many people report hearing sounds in conjunction with Northern Lights.
Northern Lights sings

Truls Lynne Hansen's first professor at the Tromsø Geophysical Observatory, and they have studied the Northern Lights since 1928. He has heard numerous credible reports that people have heard the sounds associated with the northern lights, but it remains a mystery. He says that the aurora is often accompanied by a strong electric field may be recorded from the ground.

Presumably sound a result, either as electrical discharges or by acting directly on our auditory nerves. He believes aurora can not be compared to anything else in the sky.

Everything we do is guided and enabled by electrical signals running through our bodies.

The human body is controlled by electromagnetism.

We still know too little about the great reality we all are part of, but the world of science has come so far that they understand that everything has charisma - all made up of energy.

Everything you see, taste, and touch upon is thus energy is moving. All matter that seems real is in fact an illusion. How does it relate also to the physical body. It is a physical manifestation and a picture of our entire energy field, all our thoughts, feelings and qualities.

    It is a fact that a body without electric radiant is a dead body.

It is a myth that the human body is primarily controlled by chemical processes. The human body is controlled in fact by elektromagntisme. The channel controls the Earth's weather through the Earth's magnetic field is the same channel that facilitates the influx of charged particles from the sun through the magnetic field around the human (aura). Our brain waves are influenced by the magnetic pulses (Schumann).

Humans are electromagnetic beings.

Without electricity had not been able to read this article. For example, because the data had not worked, nor your brain. We consist of atoms, and atoms consisting of protons, neutrons and electrons.

This flow of electrons or negative charge is what we call electricity.

Since our body is a large mass composed of atoms, we can also generate electricity. Electrical signals move quickly, so you can not see them with the naked eye.

You do not see the current passing through the wires that help you in the most amazing ways. You may also know it if you dare, but you do not see it. It does not mean that the power is not there.

A good pH counteracts the growth of undesirable bacteria, fungi and the development of cancer.

The relationship between electric charge and the body pH.

There is a correlation between the electrical charge in the body's cell membranes and the body's pH value. A fresh membrane has an electric charge of 20 to 25 millivolts, and this corresponds to pH of about 7.4. A good pH counteracts the growth of undesirable bacteria, fungi and the development of cancer.

It is therefore important that the body has enough energy and high enough voltage. Have one for low voltage and low pH, the body becomes "sour", and you will often feel that they have little energy. One has pain, one for low voltage in the tissue.

In the book "Earthing: The Most Important health discovery ever?" Reveals that research shows that by being in direct contact with the earth causes the body supplied lots of free electrons. Already after 40 minutes starts to decrease inflammation and improve the body's pH. It thus provides a ton of free healing by simply being more in the nature.

The human body is also affected by solar storms.
How are people physically and mentally by solar storms?

Solar activity affects human consciousness, central nervous system, brain activity, behavior patterns, and our psycho-physiological (mental / emotional / physical) responses. When the DNA opens and closes, sends out an electrical particle containing as much as 4 Mb data.

Sun storms and photonic waves change the structure of our physical reality at the cellular level and helps to prepare us to enlightenment. We are ready for a level of consciousness that works at higher and finer frequencies.

    Outbreaks can make us feel nervous, anxious, worried, nervous, dizzy, irritable, lethargic, exhausted, and you can get headaches and nausea.

The heart is also affected by solar storms. The heart captures electromagnetic changes in the environment long before our brain does. One gets easier shock. Some people are also unusually forgetful. Many feel the time is not enough. Many people have difficulty sleeping. Some have periods of surges in the body followed by periods of low energy. This is perfectly normal. Drink lots of water and get enough sleep. A sjøbad will also balance the incoming energies.

The increased frequency and intensity of solar flares and photonic waves are helping to destroy the old action and thinking patterns that are no longer needed.

When these memories are recalibrated at a higher frequency, release often low frequency emotions of sadness, anger and grief roof, without necessarily know why.

Unprocessed emotions from past traumas and experiences that are stored in the U.S. at the cellular level in the form of low-frequency energy, influenced and raised when exposed to photonic waves at a higher frequency.

Infusion of photon energy strengthen our cellular memory, and items from our soul leaking into our daily consciousness. Therefore, we see that more and more people are waking up more and more governed by a sense of a higher purpose.

The influx of photon energy reinforces our thought processes, speed and ability to manifest. What we think, is created now faster and faster.

It is therefore very important to be aware of what you call attention to, that there is a positive focus on what you want to create, and does not give energy to anything you are not happy in their lives.

A positive attitude in this transformative process will of course be an advantage. Sitting one too stuck in the past with the victim feelings and anger, be careful that you do not continue to manifest even more negativity.

The world is going through an inevitable process of change, and many feel uneasy and uncertain. If you experience any of the aforementioned effects above, do not worry - be rather happy that you get to be a part of this exciting journey!

It can be challenging to see their own limitations and "fearful beliefs" but at the same time very liberating to let go of what holds one back.

Purification of human innate fear.
The cosmic rays are directed towards the earth to transform our consciousness to a new and higher level.

The energy flows through the body will bring out the hidden problems in our lives.

Remember that fear narrows into DNA and causes you to lose your connection to the light and love expanding DNA and connects to the light.
Take your power back.

Corruption, fraud and revelations that we humans have been exposed to is shocking, and it's just getting started.

The human body is more than the medical science has understood. We are code readers who live in a three dimensional physical body gain experience and explore the nuances of feeling the world with physical body.

Our feelings are what make us unique, and there is a direct connection between emotions, brain activity, and how the body works.

Sun storms causes it happens great changes in the underlying layers of cells, and it triggered new levels of consciousness in an overwhelming pace.

The pressure causes you to release accumulated emotional energy from the DNA code, and this will cause you to attract the topics that need processing. The themes will manifest in your life for the healing to take place at all levels.

Posted by John McIntosh at 10:00 AM
