The Energy of the Twin Flame and the New Earth=Heart

MomT's picture

~The Energy of the Twin Flame is All Inclusive, All Embracing, and All Accepting of the True Love Being Made Manifest…Twin Flames are the Unification in the Physical Manifest with the Celestial…and Consciousness being transformed into awareness….as Love Un~Conditional…this would be the name for the New energy because it includes all and w/out seperation or isolation of illusionary ego….for we are Unifying together…The True Awakening of Humanity in the Highest of Love Universally….


In this Living Universe there are many Planets Awakened into the Divine presence of Being as a Universal experience of Oneness…and All of the Celestial participate in the Awakening of Humanity into their Oneness …It is Global, Galactic, Universal, and Multi-Dimensional…Love is the Oneness that connects Us All Love..Un~Conditional