More cosmic rays incoming ……… The Many

Doreen Smith's picture

Angel Wings and Unicorns May 26, 2013

There are also some cosmic rays coming to your planet with a different purpose. We do not know if these will be affecting you at this time for we do not know if you are in the right vibratory place by the time they get here. But understand when these cosmic rays hit your planetary atmosphere, there will be a sense of… like a calling to be doing certain things in certain ways, to be speaking certain words in certain ways, to be showing and promoting and encouraging certain things in certain ways . These rays will be working with other light show-ers, and as you show your light, others need to learn how to even turn theirs on. These rays will assist with that information. It is thrilling in many ways for the changes coming now will be happening swiftly. As you allow yourself to absorb these changes also swiftly will be your feelings of your own empowerment, your own power ability to manifest, your own knowledge that it is not as it was before. You are learning not to use your dollars or your economy or your things to be measuring your power, but rather understanding that the power within self is connected to the Universe, connected to All things.


We will also say to you when these cosmic rays come through, that you will be aware, we do not know yet if it is for you, but you will be aware. So as we have said to all of you in the past, you wish to make sure you communicate one to the other so that you can compare notes. You can feel comfortable with what is happening because you know that everyone is aware, but do not get caught up in it being one way for this one and a different way for that one. That does not make one right or wrong, it simply makes it the compatible process in the moment. Just like not all people have a calling for singing. If someone cannot sing, it does not mean they are a bad person. So know that each has an individual purpose, and you will be more aware of that purpose as time continues on.


The Many


