May 29, 2013
Doubts, dis-beliefs, fears, insecurities, sadness, pain and lack are all pointers. Experiencing them shows you exactly what you need to change. You are given a choice; wrap them around yourself like a blanket, content to live with them forever, or release them with love. Free will is yours. ~ Creator
My Heart cries out!
No Hue-man or Human
should have to live in poverty.
We should be greatful for what we have
and the ones we love in our hearts.
It is merely a human rights.
If you have something extra and you see someone in need,
Be a friend and do what you can to help others out of the suffering.
Some times a simple hug or smile can brighten anyone's day
if you act in kindness to someone you see seems down.
It brings miracles into your life and theirs.
You might actually brighten someone's day
at the right time they may need it.
There is all forms of love and we should all love each other
The rewards will come deeply within your own heart
for at least trying in whatever small way you can.
Sometimes those people like that need to be acknowledged
and have the same right we have by having a home to kept safe
with food, shelter, love, and medical care.
Every human is a soverign being and should never
belittle those that are less fortunate.
It is the moral and right thing to do.