Karen Doonan ~New Vibrations

Lia's picture

Many of you may be struggling at this moment trying to figure out why things are not "moving" and yet filtering out that which you are holding tightly on to. Many of you may even start triggering at the opening of this blog, "what on earth is this woman on, I have cleared and done the work and still nothing moves" I hear you cry. Well I can relate because I have been there and now I have cleared my vision and share this with you to help you clear YOUr vision. It is relatively easy to state "everything is vibration and frequency". This however is only half of the picture and the old earth is nothing but "half a picture", the distortion always focusing on the part of the picture that keeps you in the lower dimensional energy frequencies.

In this blog I will concentrate on the difference between viewing EVERYTHING in the world as a vibration and viewing it as it appears and FEELing the vibration behind it. One will blind you, one will allow you to see through the illusion that is being presented to you. For an example let me give you my present situation of throwing things out in preparation for the next part of this my human life experience. In our human form we are bombarded at all times with teachings that teach us to hold on to "things", whether this be photographs, jewellery, clothing, whatever, it seems irrelevant what they are as long as you hold on to them and anchor deeply the frequency that is attached to them. This is the key to dissolving the old earth. Let me explain further and this example may confuse you initially but bear with me as I work through it. The other day I decided to put on some nail varnish. I found a bottle of said nail varnish that i had purchased some time ago and put to one side. So I pick up the bottle and instantly get a "no". So I sat and looked at the bottle for a moment, perhaps it was the colour (working closely with colour as I do I am very conscious of colours worn and used at certain times), I checked in and it had nothing to do with the colour. So I looked at the bottle and asked to be shown further, instantly memories of my mother flooded through them, I could see her standing in front of me and then I was shown the bottle of nail varnish and where I used to buy it, I was literally shown all the links frequency wise to the bottle. Then the visions stopped and I looked at the bottle again but this time not with my eyes with my inner vision, I FELT the frequency of the bottle and it was heavy and low.

Now on the outside looking in here was a bottle of nail varnish that had sat for a year or so unopened on a shelf. But the frequency of it was the old earth, it was what I was unconsciously and SUBconsciously associating the bottle of nail varnish with. Now how many times during the day do you view your nails! so each view of the colour would reinforce the frequency without me even being aware of it. So then I allowed myself to be shown other things that were in the house and that I had taken little notice of. This is another tool of the old earth, often in your waking human life experience you will only notice if something is "missing" if it is not there, you filter out that which is around you, you cease to see things. This has been taught deliberately, it plays to the lower 3 chakras, we are taught that if we have our personal possessions around us then we are "safe". However it is the frequency of these possessions that keeps us trapped in lower energetic frequencies.

Now in the case of the bottle of nail varnish that was from one bottle, it seems so irrelevant a bottle of nail varnish but then I went to actively look at everything in the house from the perspective I have just explained. It was an eye opener to say the least and now bags and bags of stuff later I am no longer surrounded by these frequencies. It is challenging at first to see the world in this way and it is the opposite of what you have been taught. I blogged earlier about my mothers coffee table and the connections that are associated with this, this applies to everything in your waking life experience. How often ladies do you look at the clothes in your wardrobe and say to yourself "one day I will wear this" or "one day it will fit me again". In the case of clothes that no longer fit then why keep them? they are a double edged sword, not only do they reinforce that once you were thinner, well so what everything changes but again this plays into your lower 3 chakras, if you are struggling with your weight you will not win the struggle by holding on to clothes that no longer fit, the frequency will re-trigger you over and over again and you will be blind to it. It is no surprise that there seems to be an epidemic of people who are prone to "hoarding", on the surface these are people who cannot throw things away, vibrationally these are people who are wrapped in fear and they are re-triggering this fear daily through the hoarding of possessions that not only re-inforce they are in fear but re-inforce that the world is not safe, a catch 22 situation until you look at the frequency. To break the cycle you would have to work on the lower 3 chakras and begin work to open the heart, for their "hoarding" is keeping them out of their hearts. The LOVE that IS flows through the heart, the old earth knew this and worked to keep the human race out of their hearts at ALL TIMES.

Everything that is around you and upon you is a frequency that is working to resonate and to vibrate in harmony with you, the more lower density frequencies that you are around the more they will have an effect on your energy signature. Interestingly the new earth energies are beginning to make it very obvious what is a high energy and what is a lower energy in relation to everyday products, I have seen this first hand even with my own son, lets take the example of a pizza in this case. He LOVES pizza and one particular kind of pizza, now I realise the past week or so he has been upgraded energetically, his sleep patterns and his bouts of feeling nauseated on the surface may look like a "bug" but he lives in a house with crystals, skulls and other energies. He ate a pizza yesterday and got about half way through it and put down his fork and stated how horrible it was and how it made him feel sick. Now I dont get too hung up about his diet, whilst I can advise him I am not him so he does have freedom of choice within certain boundaries. I cant personally digest meat of any kind now but I dont enforce this with him however his diet has changed considerably over the past few weeks and it has done this naturally. He has gravitated towards increasing his water intake (he always drank plenty of water but this has doubled) and he has veered away from processed foods preferring fruit. He is starting to work with how his body feels and this is becoming more consciously obvious, I also cant remember the last time he asked me for a piece of chocolate or ate a piece of chocolate in the past week or so. Again it is not until you consciously look at what is there or not there that you can anchor how much is changing around you and also through you.

I would guide you strongly to look at everything in your life from the point of view of vibration, ask to be shown if it still works with you or not. Go into the heart and FEEL the product, do not view it as solid, view it as a manifestation of an energetic frequency. Ladies this goes to every single layer of your being from your make up to your soap, often it may be how it is manufactured that lowers the energetic frequency of the product not so much the product itself. This is personal for each and every person upon the planet, there is no one size fits all for every person on the planet has a unique energetic signature. Guys this also applies to you as well for you are taught heavily to buy into electronics and gizmos. What is the energetic frequency of that which you surround yourself with? You may well have bought that bottle of aftershave yesterday but did you consciously buy it or did you buy it because you have always worn it and if you have always worn it does it still apply? you are not the same person you were a few moments ago never mind "yesterday" in linear time.

The old world teaches you to place value on items and products for a reason, it is not to help you it is to contain and suppress you, now whilst I dont advocate we all down tools and stop buying products we can work WITH the new earth energies and work to release that which no longer serves around us that we have been taught to filter out. The FEELing of release to transmute these energies is immense, as you throw them out/donate/recycle them then bless and release and ask for all to be transmuted back into the LOVE that IS for each item/product you have you have placed an EMOTIONAL link to it, it is the emotional link you are dissolving and transmuting not so much what the product us. As I blogged earlier it is these emotional triggers that are now going off all over the planet. You can only dissolve something if you can SEE it and that is how the old earth blinds us, by getting us to see something that is not there, it blinds you to TRUTH.

It is also vital to place your intention with the LOVE that IS, whilst you begin to dissolve that which no longer serves the old earth may try to teach you to focus on what you are dissolving, this will lower your energy signature for it will see you working with the lower dimensional energy frequencies. The new earth supports only TRUTH and the LOVE that IS is that TRUTH. LOVE is the highest and strongest frequency that exists, working with this as your FOCUS at all times will see those lower dimensional energies dissolve faster. The focus however has to be on LOVE. To release someone who no longer resonates focus on the LOVE that exist for them in their human life experience. It may be that they no longer resonate with you and you are blessing and releasing their energies but from the point of view of LOVE for ALL.

The new earth energetic frequencies are potent but the old earth will try at all times to get you to place your focus on the old and what is dissolving. At this time you are asked to focus on what you are CREATING and that is LOVE.


Copyright Karen Doonan, all rights reserved
