Sophia Love 06/01/2013
This post is not mine, but it sums today up perfectly…
“Been tapped into the emotions of the eternal hearts holding the contrast... Feel their weariness and desire to surrender but their fear has prevented them from doing so until now.
So grateful for the quantum leap I have taken in consciousness because of the roles they played.
Want them to come back to the light and celebrate. The Super bowl of consciousness has been the greatest game ever played!”
(Thank you KK!)
It is a time of gratitude, healing, endings, resurrecting and new beginnings. On some level we are all feeling it, we are all a part of it and we are all creating it. I am so grateful to be a part of this, and, as I seem to be at a loss for words, so thankful someone else has picked up the slack! The pieces of the puzzle are coming together. Our final work is looking absolutely exquisite.
This song just feels right. Everyone DOES care, and that is just too wonderful for words…
The waiting is over, you are the One.