Letting your curiosity drive you,
come in the Castle of your imagination,
open the Ancient Door that goes
to the memory of very ancient times,
when everything began,
come in the depths of the past,
go down to the hidden subterranean passages,
Ask, ask to the Past:
"What is the reason of my birth in this world ?
What are the talents, the capacities
I must manifest
to be whom I am ?
Who is this I who decided to be born in this world ?"
Feel. Remember. Feel.
Feel the pleasure to be whom you are,
the pleasure to be you in plenitude.
Feel the pleasure to use the talents
you have and forgot,
the enchantment to be you in plenitude,
this music being born in you,
this unique music you are,
this music to be you,
this music in everything you do,
this happiness remembering in you,
this flight of birds in you.
Beautifull. Thank you for sharing!