~Our Personal and Collective Dream~

Lia's picture

~ Love Reporter Marc Chauvette~



~Our Personal and Collective Dream~



[unedited version]




We are aware that everyone around us has
emotional wounds a emotional poison that is create from from negativity , it can be easily understand that humanity as create dream of hell. Fromthe perspective that everything ...we believe about our...selves, and
everything we know about our world, is just a dream. religious description of hell, it is the same as human society today , the way
Hell is a place of suffering, a place of fear, a place of war and violence, a place of judgment and no justice, a place of punishment that
never ends. There are humans versus humans in a jungle of predators;

humans full of judgment, full of blame, full of guilt, full of emotional

poison~envy, anger, hate, sadness, suffering. We create all these

little demons in our mind because we have learned to dream hell in our

own life.

Each of us creates a personal dream for our own self, but humans

before us created a big outside dream, the dream of human society. The Dream
of the Planet, is a collective dream The big Dream includes all the
rules of society , its laws, its religions,

its different cultures, and ways to be. All of this information stored

inside the collective mind is like a thousand voices talking at us at us at once.

The real self is pure love; we are Life. our true essence has nothing to do

with the Dream, but the illusion keeps us from seeing what we really are.

When we see the Dream from this perspective, and if the

awareness of what we are, we can understand the so call nonsense that we perceive humans behavior and

it becomes amusing.When everyone else lives in a big drama, for us

becomes a comedy. we can see our suffering over something that is

not important, that was not even real. But we have no choice. We are

born in this society, we grow up in this society, and we learn to be

like everyone, else playing nonsense all the time, competing with mere


I believe we are ONE. And the reason of Oneness in my beliefs is because

within my universal mind or imagination ,Everything and Everyone comes

into existence. My Universe made up of my many thoughts and Mirrors. To

learn more of itself. Everything is ME, because I create my reality.
to see your self in everyone and everything that surrendered you is called self
realization be in that oneness you can experience the live of the whole
without moving

Life is to be lived, not controlled, and humanity is won by continuing
play in face of certain defeat."

'We need not war'

need not war, to show us how freedom is made
What we need is love to
show us how freedom is played.
For freedom is not - but to "do as we
But rather to "please others" - because of what we achieve

serve requires love, only with love to we attain freedom"

no need for thought control and dogma

just some thought on what god conscious energy waves of light with infinite intelligence that operate in a very mysterious
way in which is the same as your divine essence that we all are

that create all that... is is which all that exist is made of forever expanding conscious universe that is influence by our belief thought and
emotion if you can feel it imagine it and feel good about what you wish to experience with little trust and faith anything can become reality you are universe and you are creating your self every moment this reality can be change in a instant the moment we shift our perception see the dream accomplish and hold the vision the more people hold the same vision
the self start emanating energy and start to bring about the change you desire and you don't really have to talk the heart reawakening the vision and the earth is restored naturally to Her natural state of beauty. God is the manager of the bank of love and who is the guardian of this piece of theater. You are the producer and the actor and he never opposes the creative vision and ideas which bring fantasy into is theater and joy to the creation. He sends creative energy to the players. You are in this creation which enables you to create even more wonder in your life in which can only happen if we let our self be guided by our heart and out

of love for the whole creation

Make no mistake, there will be much contention when it becomes known that people CANNOT be forced to pay to sleep

For those who are hurting, broke, different, abused, manipulated, homeless, hungry, thirsty, and your so called religious leader is telling you, you need to live their way, give more, do more for them for
free, and in return all you get is "you'll be saved from future events"
tell them to SHOVE IT! THE WALL IS COMING DOWN! Get ready
