As we are starting to feel the energies from the Lions Gate opening and other auspicious planetary alignments, we are called to fully embrace this love message from Heaven. This is the start of our New Earth unfolding....go within to find and Be the Real You....Love, Happiness and Joy.
We Love you Unconditionally, The Earth Allies
Published on Jul 29, 2013
admin | July 28, 2013
July 28, 2013 Laura Bruno
A lovely post by Colette, which ties in nicely with yesterday’s Robert Jensen post, as well as my Joanna Macy references, since she approaches permaculture from a Buddhist background. In this post, Colette shares a letter she received from someone who visited Bealtaine Cottage. Michael describes the special reverence we can all engage in on this planet, truly stepping into a role of caretakers rather than simply takers. A really lovely post!
Anrita Melchizedek-July 28,2013
On July 29th, 2013, we experience a Unified Heart Merkaba activation through the configuration of the Star of David in a Grand Sextile formation. As this formation further expands into the star tetrahedronal shape, surrounding Mother Earth and all Life in the Divine Blueprints of Creation, it amplifies the Unity Grid of Divine Love in new encodings of Light.
July 28, 2013 The Creator Writings
You now know your Earth plane existence can be as easy or as challenging as you choose. You have heard this many times. What you need to remember is that The Universe has unwavering faith in you and your ability to navigate the sometimes tumultuous experiences that occur. View yourself as I do, my love, and all will be well. ~ Creator
"I've now seen references to the Rising Phoenix 3 times now in the past 24 hours so I am reposting my music video of the same name. Something is definitely going on here."
Saturday, 27 July 2013 By Carol Ann Ciocco
On Monday, 29 July, there will be there will be a very elegant and flowing celestial configuration - known as the Star of David, Grand Sextile or Star Tetrahedron - surrounding the earth.
The timing of the Stargate ranges from 5:43am GMT/Universal Time on Monday, 29 July to 2:09am GMT/Universal Time on Tuesday, 30 July, with new energies flowing in at various points along the way.
Published on Jul 28, 2013
The Aquarid meteor shower will overlap the Perseid meteor shower. Looking to see if there is an uptick in number and brightness of the Aquarids. This meteor shower has no peaks...
Come support the current energies! Egypt is in the middle of being liberated! Your energy can help save lives!
You can find more information out on current information on what is going on right now by going to this link.
If you are unable to make the meditation on the grid, you can go to this link to see the meditation.
A spontaneous Satsang recorded at Monte Sahaja in Portugal. 14th July 2013.
While you have the sense of choice, you exercise choice. The most important choice you have is to keep the attention in the stable place of the seer.
Music: Asatoma Sadgamaya, sung by Samadhi, Brahmi and Omkara (recorded live in Ukraine).
Message from Archangel Michael, channeled by Cindy McGonagle, July 26th through 29th, 2013
Heavenletter #4629 Published on: July 28, 2013
Say My Name day and night. Instead of all the thoughts that whirl through your head, whirl My Name around in your mind and your heart and into your day-to-day-life.
Come support the current energies! Egypt is in the middle of being liberated! Your energy can help save lives!
You can find more information out on current information on what is going on right now by going to this link.
If you are unable to make the meditation on the grid, you can go to this link to see the meditation.
Please come help support the current energies in Egypt. Please join us on the grid at 11AM EDT.
1 PM Eastern, 12 PM Central, 11 AM Mountain, 10 AM Pacific
Here is a time convertor from Cario's time zone to your time zone.
~The Earth Allies~
Many people say that green tea is good for health and is believed that it helps in attaining weight loss. When taken regularly green tea also offers many other health benefits. This tasty beverage contains a potent nutrient called as EGCG or epigallocatechin gallate.
For more of this story visit http://www.myhealthtips.in/2013/06/amazing-health-benefits-of-green-tea.html
accuweather.com-Kristina Pydynowski -July 28, 2013
Dangerous surf, flooding rain and potentially damaging winds are in store for Hawaii with the arrival of Tropical Storm Flossie.
Tropical Storm Flossie is expected to pass over or in between the northern tip of the Big Island and southern Maui Island on Monday.
There’s still a lot of confusion across the nation about whether or not marijuana is effective for cancer patients. Odds are you’ve heard something about it but weren’t sure whether the information was reliable or definitive. So, in order to help clear things up, here is a list of 25 studies showing that marijuana cures cancer, categorized by the type of cancers being cured in each study. As you sort through the articles, note that the consistent theme between them is that cannabis shrinks tumors and selectively targets cancer cells.
Vision; The Healing Stones and their Essence
I see a chair on my path and on the seat is a single rose with a long stem, I smile and take it to smell the scent; as soon as I touch this it turns into a ruby. It was the size of a tennis ball, wow I thought
Jesus through John July 28, 2013 by John Smallman
Come support the current energies! Egypt is in the middle of being liberated! Your energy can help save lives!
You can find more information out on current information on what is going on right now by going to this link.
If you are unable to make the meditation on the grid, you can go to this link to see the meditation.
Please come help support the current energies in Egypt. Please join us on the grid at 11AM EDT.
11 AM Eastern, 10 AM Central, 9 AM Mountain, 8 AM Pacific
Here is a time convertor from Cario's time zone to your time zone.
~The Earth Allies~
John Smallman's Blog 07/28/2013 by John Smallman
GFP Commentary: The oneness of God is the embracing of the divine masculine and the divine feminine that is in all of us