Along the Curve - A Song by Wes Annac

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Published on Aug 8, 2013

The following is a song written by me, called Along the Curve.


Traveling along the curve
Am I seen off in the distance?
Couldn't tell ya
Smiling as I look at this Earth
These children can become aware now
Were it not for propaganda
We can grow and oh, we can learn
But do we seek that inner-knowledge?
Do we care?

We can now seek and find within ourselves
The fables and legends of our past
And even through a hardened outer-shell
The changes we're feeling now, they will last
We will come to find all our bickering
Was a facet of the old paradigm

Oh, watching all of us stress and fight
It all seems so silly now
You know peace is best, it's right
For we are One and we cannot be
Complete if we throw hate around
We dim our Light
And when we can find our sovereignty
We'll realize it in the world stage
We will be free

You can seek your happiness now, my friends
And you can see that Life is heaven
And even when your mind says frown again
You'll see clearly when your heart is open
Every fear, worry, hate, concern or unrest
Will melt away in all it's mess

For you are the symbol of power
And now you rise up in this hour
What you've seen as reality has long been an illusion
Been an attempt to keep you in a state of imposed limitation
Now you break it

Now we all break it