How Steve Jobs Turned Technology — And Apple — Into Religion

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Red Ice Creations - 9/03/13, by Red Ice Creations


A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on.

~John F. Kennedy

Steve Jobs being dead hasn’t diminished the power of his name, or the Apple brand. In fact, it has only reinforced the ’spirituality’ of the company he left behind - the company, many can demonstrate, has been deliberately honed into a cult-like religious orthodoxy.

Brett T. Robinson, author of Appletopia: Media Technology and the Religious Imagination of Steve Jobs describes in several articles how Jobs crafted a business model that makes products and a brand a ’gateway to enlightenment’, how brick-and-mortar storefronts act as cathedrals, and how Jobs transformed modern western culture to have faith that "technology always means human progress".

Following, Red Ice TV goes into the occult origins of the Apple logo in Symbolism In Logos, and how it is used to reinforce ideas of religiosity in consumer products.



