Manuka Honey may Treat Deadly Heart Disease Naturally

Silver's picture, By; Christina Sarich, 09/10/2013

honey stick 263x164 Manuka Honey may Treat Deadly Heart Disease Naturally

In a recent discovery by University of Iowa researchers, it was found that the lethal effects of staphylococcal infective endocarditis, a bacterial infection which can cause the heart valves to stop working properly and kills approximately 20,000 Americans every year is really due to superantigens –toxins produced in very large quantities by Staphylococcus aureus (staph) bacteria. These bacterial toxins cause the immune system to break down and in the process lead to a debilitating and possibly fatal heart disease along with a host of other health concerns.


Fortunately, there is a natural treatment for staph bacteria that has been well documented – manuka honey.


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