Henry Kissinger: A diplomatic colossus who is still a key influence in US amid Syria crisis

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The Independent - 9/13/13, Sean O'Grady


At the age of 90, Kissinger is currently advising the Obama administration on dealing with Russia


For Kissinger’s critics, though, the Kissinger realpolitik has yielded much that was little short of evil. Christopher Hitchens, in 2001, claimed to have amassed sufficient evidence to secure prosecutions for “war crimes, for crimes against humanity, and for offences against common or customary or international law, including conspiracy to commit murder, kidnap, and torture”. This is somewhat more than hyperbole; the experience of General Pinochet has made the travels of Dr Kissinger a little more risky.

The charge sheet is extremely long, even considering the eight eventful years Kissinger was running US foreign policy: he and the CIA helped orchestrate the coup against the elected president of Chile, Salvador Allende, and his murder in 1973; he and Nixon invaded neutral Cambodia in 1970; they indiscriminately bombed civilians in that long war; connived in the Indonesians’ brutal repression in East Timor; left the Kurds to their fate at the hands of Saddam as early as 1972; the list goes on. “War criminal” and Nobel Peace Prize holder; the unique genius of Henry Kissinger.

More: Independent.co.uk





  I've read in a number of

DeSwiss2's picture

  I've read in a number of places where the the forces of Light are removing the minions of the dark who have held us in slavery all these years, to the central sun for their transmutation.  But, since we see that Kissinger's still here, they must be doing it alphabetically......