Arise - A Song by Wes Annac

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Published on Sep 22, 2013

The following is a song written by me, called Arise. 


Open up to the truth
Expand your mind and your heart
Cuz all of us, we bring in the new
But only if we have a place to start
Become aware of your government
The lies they tell and bribes they accept
They don't have your best interest in mind
They keep them and their own in their elite circles ahead

But we have the power now
We take it back
Corruption, greed and hatred just can't and won't last
The people use our voice to proclaim we are against war
No more attacks
Over a ground of oil, sales of arms
They line the pockets of corporate fat cats

Open up to the truth
Expand your understanding, so much awaits you
The shadows, they can only move around unhindered if we let them
So use your voice to become active in exposing agendas you know to be based in pure sin
Become aware that you are infinite
Creation of the universe is in your hands
Why then would their actions matter in the face of your power?
Complacency sees us view reality through a broken lens

Our sight is essential now
For we see so much
The burning flame, our inspiration
Exposes them and their agendas
We've come to know already that we each possess infinite strength
Uprooting our oppressors, finding peace and wholeness, no it's no strain

When will we become aware
That we've been oppressed?
The crafted illusion boxes in our perception
Until we are enslaved
Until we are enslaved

Until we can regain ourselves
Scattered we will remain
Scattered we will remain

So join hands everyone 
Our unity will inspire us to evolve
The tension and the hatred
Hold no place in our collective after all
When we can all see the necessity
To lay our feuding down and get along
The heavens will rejoice at a people
Banded together with power, so strong

Open up to the truth
Expand your understanding, so much awaits you