Reheater~White Hot...

TitaniumLotus's picture


Thank you for your presence here, fellow spiritual seeker.

The purpose of establishing this personal blog is to have an internet home of sorts for my work. Personally, I have contributed to a few spiritual websites and created one of my own. The Aquarius Paradigm, which is the original website I created, started as an internet home for my personal work and quickly grew into a daily spiritual news site of sorts, and I am glad to do my part in disseminating spiritual information to the awakening public.

I do however, feel there is an importance in establishing a personal blog of my own on which I post only my own material, so it is a bit easier to locate as one will not have to search through pages of articles and messages from other sources to find my work, if one is looking for it. For any visitors who may not know, I will explain a little bit about who I am and the work I and many others are doing.

If what can be seen as ‘New-Age related’ or ’Pseudoscience’ material as well as channeled material do not resonate with anybody visiting this site, than they may not appreciate the bulk of works published here. Forming the basis of this work is the belief that our planet as well as we as a collective are undergoing a vast, collective evolution. This evolution or ‘ascension’ is an event that has been foretold of by prophecies of our ancestors and the many ancient civilizations who themselves were much more advanced than we have been led to believe.

It’s believed that we are returning to the realms of the fifth dimension or ‘density’ and above, where we Created the lower dimensions and realms we are now experiencing from. Inhabiting these higher realms are beings who themselves have ascended to such realms from planets in the same lower densities that we are currently experiencing, and they have a very vested interest in seeing Earth’s ascension as well as the ascension of as many of us as possible, take place as it has been decreed to progress.

As such, we are being given innumerable help and support from these higher realms and from the ascended beings inhabiting them, as well as help from numerous Lighted extraterrestrial organizations such as the Galactic Federation, who themselves have also ascended and since doing, visited Earth many, many times in our recent and not-so-recent history, sharing inventions, technologies and revolutionary Creations with us along aligning dates on our Cosmic Calender, which they adhere to, when we as a collective species were meant to advance technologically and intellectually. Despite adhering to an aligning Cosmic Calender when helping with our Earthly affairs, these beings exist outside of the confines of our illusion of linear, progressing ‘time’.

Millions of us have awakened and opened up our mental as well as emotional telepathic channels, and we are discovering and have discovered the aforementioned infinite ascended beings and extraterrestrial souls and organizations, as these ascended souls have always been with us, guiding us every moment of our existence through methods such as what we know as our ‘intuition’. Many of us have discovered that it is possible to bring the energies, ‘words’ and guidance of these ascended souls through ourselves, into the physical to help assist others on their ascension paths.

The messages transmitted through many channelers are in many cases so eloquent, intelligently-written and serve to give guidance that is otherwise not readily available or understandable to an unawakened soul who has not yet discovered this contact for themselves. Every single soul on Earth possesses the hidden-away ability to telepathically communicate, not just with each other but with multiple ascended beings who are assisting us in our Planetary ascension.

I am one such soul who has discovered these beings myself, and who brings their energies and guidance through to aide in the ascension processes of others. The role of a ‘channeler’ is in no way an easy role to fill; it can at times be a bit of a thankless task, with many crying deception and disinformation if the guidance given does not resonate or if they do not agree that the ability to channel is genuine.

The purposes of what I and many others do, are to do nothing except help the awakening Lightworker public in their difficult ascension journeys toward the higher realms. We seek no fame, to egotistical validation and certainly no mass, blind following of us by souls who have not yet found these abilities in themselves. We seek only to serve, to help humanity and to give of our hearts what we can to the ascension of Earth. To all of you who were guided here and to my first site, The Aquarius Paradigm, I hope that the information given by and through me resonates with your hearts and is of service to your ascension.

Wes Annac


Love and light to ALL...Lotus