Ascension and Dimensional Shifts~Sapphire Stone

Lia's picture





Original Writing from Facebook November 2010


Mother Earth Has A Consciousness of Her Own, And Is A Living Being As You And I! The Divine Plan of The Creator, Which We All Follow, Knowingly or Unknowingly, Calls For
Mother Earth To Ascend From 3D - 5D And Beyond! Humanity Must Be
Willing To Ascend, or Increase Vibration To Move With Mother Earth!
This Means Keeping Our Physical Bodies Intact And Gradually Reversing
The Aging Process Back To Age 30! Those Not Ready To Ascend Will
Incarnate Back Into The 3rd Dimension On Another Planet, or Be
Physically Transported To Other Planets! They Cannot Return To The
Higher Dimensional Earth When That Happens, For Earth Will Be Turning
Into A Star! Others Who Have Chosen To Stay On The Karmic Wheel of
Life And Death, Will Be Dying By Disease, Accidents, Natural Earth
Changes, or Sicknesses!


Ascension Is The Integration of Spirit And Matter! It Is The Process Where Our Physical, Emotional, Mental And All Spiritual Bodies Combine To Create A Fully Conscious
Being! We Become A Light Body! We Have Aspects of Ourselves Who Exist
On Other Worlds, In Other Dimensions or Realities! Everything Came
From One Creator And Through Ascension We Realize We Are All One With
One Another And Other Life In The Universe! Race Differences, War,
Owning Property, Land Rights, In Fact ALL Aspects of Our Current
World Is An Illusion! We Live In A Giant Hologram And Many Dimensions
Exist In The Same Space! They Only Differ By Degrees of Vibration!
When We Increase Our Vibration Significantly, We Change Dimension!


For Those Staying On Earth For Ascension, A 12 Strand RNA/DNA System Will Replace The Human Body's Current 2 Strand System! The Current 7 Chakra System of Body Energy
Vortexes Will Change To A 13 Chakra System! We Will Also Consciously
Use 100 Percent of Our Brain, Instead of The 10 To 12 Percent
Currently Utilized! Full Consciousness Will Return To Us, That Is The
Awareness of Why We Are Here, What We Are To Do In The Future, And
What Our Past Lives Have Been! We Will Have Universal Knowledge With
Our Brain Receptors, And Have Super Human Abilities!


As Ascended Galactic Humans (Physical Angels) We Will Be Able To Interact With ALL Sentient Life Forms In Our Galaxy, Universe, And Beyond! We Will Regain
Extraterrestrial Powers That We Have Lost Eons Ago! Telepathy,
Teleportation, And Interplanetary Travel Will Be Common!


Some People Will Be Able To Revisit or Return To Their Previous Star System That They Came From! Some Will Help To Repopulate Mars, Venus, And Maldek Which Is Likely
To Be Re-Formed From The Asteroid Belt! Some Will Stay On Earth For
The New Golden Age, And Will Help Create It Through Building
Sustainable Societies Those Who Populate Earth Will Become Her True
Stewards, Anchoring Light And Supporting Energy Nodes And Grids
Around The Planet of Great Temples! The Whales And Dolphins Have Been
Burdened With This Task For Far Too Long! We Will Visit Magnificent
Crystalline Cities Within The Earth! It Is How, Many Lemurians And
Atlanteans Already Live Within The Shell of Our Hollow Earth! We Will
Be Meeting Them Soon!


Our Current Structure of Government Will Cease! Higher Intelligent Beings Will Help Us Set Up New Governing Councils Based On Appropriate Universal Principles! We
Will Have The Final Say In Fine-Tuning New Government, Without
Interference From Those Who Currently Control Them!



Infinitely Happy Prosperous Times Ahead ; ))

Sapphire Stone





can you feel it?

Rick Mordecon's picture

Definitely agree and feelign all these amazing changes...Whether you are Arcturan, Pleidan,Sirian, or Orion, we are all here to help guide and be guided by our beloved earth to her new place of vibration. hold on tight. it only gets better from here.
