Andy Bojarksi ~ My Release Experience 2 Nights Ago ~ Amazing ~

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Hello everyone…this is Andy Bojarski…I wanted to share something that happened to me…I had the most profound life changing energetic shift on the night of October 21, 2013…It was truly one of the most amazing spiritual experiences of my life…

Thank you for allowing me to share it with all of you…I was sleeping and it was about 1:30 in the morning and my throat was starting to get dry and it felt like there were ants and insects there…

I immediately woke up…The throat area felt like something was there, like I swallowed insects and they were all moving, all stuck there…  My throat was definitely moving and something or someone or more like many someones were there…not knowing how to get out or not wanting to get out…

I felt scared at first and immediately called in Arch Angel Michael and asked him to be with me…I felt this immense energy around me which I knew as Arch Angel Michael and he started to talk to me and I felt his comfort and love…

He clearly in my conscious state said that I was releasing and that I was now in the process of the biggest release I have ever had…He told me that this is the final release of everything that does not serve my highest and best good from this life and from all PAST lives and ALL past realities and existences and parallel Universes…

Then another energy came in and I realized it was Arch Angel Metatron…I heard his high pitched voice telling me to “push from your depths”…So I pushed like I was delivering a baby…Haha…All of a sudden, out of the blue, I said “I now decree that all negativity, all darkness leave me and my being now” and focused on my belly.

As I was pushing and focusing on my belly area, this beautiful energy encompass my body, like a cocoon…so hard to describe into words…This energy started with my legs and was building and building and building…my comforter was moving…it was all around me in such a loving way…The energy went up higher and higher and into my belly area, the tandem as they call it in Reiki, right below the belly area…

I was engulfed in so much energy…My body was vibrating like I had never experienced it before…Then Arch Angel Metatron said “deeper, build deeper”… Good golly, I though…I kept building and focusing on the energy and felt this massive thing moving up through my body toward my mouth.

Again, Arch Angel Metatron said “deeper” and I continued to build more and felt more of this darkness, this unwelcome “thing”, for lack of a better word, coming towards my throat.  I felt like I could not breathe and started gagging…these insects were everywhere around my throat…Again, Arch Angel Metatron said “deeper” and I built more and more,  more energy and more gagging, heart racing…energies racing…

Finally I let out this big gag and pushed with all my might…and felt something bad leave…it was amazing…I had spit and drool in my mouth (lovely, I know) so I went to the bathroom….turned on the light…all gold everywhere….I was a light being/body…saw a figure in the mirror but it was not who I look like…all light…went back to bed and they said I’m not done…one more time but more deeper…crap, I though…COME ON!!!

I repeated the process and felt stronger energies around me…so much love…felt like my stomach would explode…felt something there resisting…not wanting to leave…it was holding on to my neck from the inside…I felt this…they said deeper and I build more and more…gagged a whole lot more till the final gag…something came out that needed to come out…

What a release…I felt so much leave me…Like the scene in the mummy movie where all the locust fly out of the mouth….I asked if that was it…and was told most of it was gone and that they would remove the rest with their energies…then these massive, I mean MASSIVE energies came in like I have never felt before…So much love…

I was moved up down sideways, all the while Arch Angel Metatron kept talking to me, comforting me, relaxing me…he said the energies needed to be integrated into my physical cells now that I am light…I tell you I was up all night and I cried all night and got no sleep…my throat never felt better…all was released…I feel different now…so different…empowered in a way…

My energy healings are stronger…more love…I see more…I feel more…it is a knowing…a sense of confidence…a sense of Being….it is hard to put into words…It was an experience in my conscious state which I will never forget…This was not a dream…this happened while I was awake…We are all so loved…so protected….so guided…and so blessed…

I wanted to share this experience with you….so if it happens to you…know that this is part of the release process and do not be scared…maybe it will not happen to you…maybe it was only meant for me….in any event, I am sending all of you lots of love and so many blessings…

Andy – Love

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