Personal Update and Message from Multidimensional Ocean and Higher Self ~ 27 Oct. 2013

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VIA Facebook
Feeling the energies of this Halloween in a particularly heavy way, most of it is for personal reasons and blockages I highly suspect.
The energies around me are heavy, dense, there is little light in the area where I have relocated on the litteral and on the figurative level.
Outside: constant layers of clouds, constant wet weather of various degrees, the buildings are all grey or of red bricks, old and run down by the weather.
Inside: this heaviness is affecting me in strange ways, being cut off from friends and family, partner and my cat. However, I find comfort in knowing that this is only temporary, and that it is something that the universe has arranged for me to do at this time for many, many reasons.
As the enerrgies change on the Northern hemisphere, so is the inernal mood for us.

Don't forget our own internal Sun is always watching and radiating happiness and joy, all we have to do is to remember to go within and touch that part of our lives that is unaffected by outside events.
This part knows of our origin, of it immortality, of eternal joy and bliss. That part knows of the bigger picture, of true love and of unconditional love.
As the rythm of life slows down around us in the Northern hemisphere, we can take this opportunity for inner dwelling and inspection. Take the time to be more with self, more connected within, for this too is just another test. A test set up by Higher Self and the laws of the universe to find internal peace even in the middle of moody storms and fears.
As the general mood is low at this time of the year and season, many of us intercept the lower tone and negativity of others, their bad mood, their disappointments, their hopes, or sometimes their desires.
Stay grounded, tuned and within, observe all these emtions stirred inside of you, no matter what the cause, and let them all go and drop on the ground.
You are a free soul and spirit, do not try to be overly attached to the wants and needs of the ego, to materiality, to the illusions of desires and seducing ideas about love.
Be like a child, always true to yourself and to your heart, explore the darker rooms of your house and see what treasure lies within.
With great love and affection for all humanity
Your Higher Self by Multidimensional Ocean
