~ Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Ascended Master Hilarion 27 October 2013

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Beloved Ones,

The world around you is filled with many distractions that demand your attention and focus. It is very easy to get caught up in the polarity games as they play out and it is important for the Light Bearers to hold their ground. As you have already experienced many times, the headlines in your news media’s are generated to attract followers. Remember that where you put your thoughts and focus is what in turn, you will bring into manifestation. It is advisable to keep your thoughts and focus on what you want to experience in your personal world rather than that which is dissolving and disintegrating in the higher frequencies. The old world paradigms are no longer working even though there is a frenzied effort to bring them back.

This message asks you to make a concerted effort to radiate your light through your individual methods of application with great determination and intent. Picture the planet surrounded by a golden white light that shines out into the universe. Envision your own light radiating and expanding into your sphere of influence with great love and intensity. Humanity as a whole must move beyond their own individual concerns to a focus of that which is for the greater good for all. Begin to ask yourselves what your Higher Self or Christ Self would do in the situations that confront you. You must BE the light and if, in your personal challenges, you slip back into reaction rather than a loving response, forgive yourselves and others and continue to practice your daily disciplines. Each moment is another opportunity to regroup and renew your focus on your role as Light Bearers.

The changes taking place demand flexibility and adaptability and the letting go of previous expectations that are no longer viable on the path that you have chosen to walk. You must do your utmost to stay firmly on it. There are daily temptations to take you away from it and it might be helpful to write out your objectives and daily plan as a Light Bearer on this planet so that you can refer to them for renewal of your focus when the way seems clouded or confused. The energies continue to accelerate humanity’s awakening into new perceptions and perspectives which create initial discord within them as the awakening to the truth on life on Earth as it has been, permeates their consciousness. The initial awakening brings some discomfort but ultimately frees each individual to move beyond illusions of the past and see how things really have been in the world.

The underlying theme as you move into the next month is dedicated focus on the Light. By doing this you are doing more than you can consciously know and comprehend but be assured that your higher aspects are well aware of the need. You are all learning to be the masters of life upon this planet, by using your thoughts, words and deeds in daily dedication and focus. To be masters at anything, one must be persistent and consistent in one’s efforts to become that. You have all the tools at your disposal and all that is required is the knowledge and understanding that this is how you make a difference in your world, for yourselves and your loved ones.

The forces of Light upon this world are quietly doing their work and are mostly unrecognized for their contribution to the greater good for all. They work in anonymity so that they can do their work without great resistance from those who would oppose them. By their deeds and dedication, they are catalysts for bringing more light into the world and thereby igniting and enabling the freeing of the shackles that have held humanity hostage in the lower vibrations of this world for far too long. Each effort that each Light Bearer makes is magnified by those from the higher realms and dimensions. You are never alone in your efforts to bring the planet and humanity into the higher dimensions. It is a unified effort that is always supported at this level.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion

©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is included.
