Kp~ None of this Outer Stuff is Anything I (personally) Am Paying Attention to Anymore (and tough Alohas if you don’t like it!!)

Lia's picture

Occasionally I get “messages” (could be emails, websites, news programs, etc., etc.) that point out what is going on in the (so-called) “outer” world. This happened here, that happened there, false flag this, weather event that. All I can say about all those things (at least in this now moment) is,

“None of this ‘Outer Stuff’ is Anything I (personally) Am Paying Attention to Anymore (and tough Alohas if you don’t like it!!)”

Now I’m not saying that everyone has to be like me. There are indeed many whose “paths” appear to be that of “the informers”, and many do a great job of that. If it is in your Higher Innards to do that, I encourage you to please follow that Guidance.

However, I’m not concerned at all about what is going on “out there” at this time. Even though I may post an occasional “[Even More] Evidence of the Cabal Takedown???” type or article from time to time, I spend no time whatsoever analyzing any of those things, or saying “Oh my God, look what happened over there”. Whereas some may feel drawn to point out a “This happened here, that happened there, this false flag happened here, that weather event happened there”, that is not my path.

As much as possible, I make no time, nor take any time, in analyzing, talking about, thinking about, cogitating about, researching about, endlessly discussing about, all that “stuff” that’s now going on… out there. That is precisely,

None of my Higher Self’s business!!!!

I am on an Energetic Mission. I am on a Journey for Humanity. I am assisting in a process for the Healing and Upliftment of the Planet, as are each and every one who is following this Journey, and participating in their own way.

I am very aware, many times, of the “This happened here, that happened there, this false flag happened here, that weather event happened there” stuff, but it is not mine to immerse any part of myself in that.

The next part of this Journey happens soon. It will likely be the longest part of the Journey, both in miles and in time, and longer than any of the other Journey pieces. It will be accompanied by (and play a part of bringing) a massive influx of Higher Light into this “Turtle Island” Arena. And it will help to bring forth the grandest change this Planet has ever experienced.

This Journey is about the Planet. This Journey is about Gaia.

This is not about the “This happened here, that happened there, this false flag happened here, that weather event happened there” stuff. This is not about any particular person (including me), place, animal, event, or thing. This is not about anyone understanding anything about what it is all about. This is not about me understanding anything about what it is all about.

It is about following “The Guidance” and going where “The Guidance” suggests that I (we) go.

I’m not even sure why I felt like writing this, but it just “came out”.

So there it is.

Aloha, Kp…

[Kp note: Finally, a more recent head shot... Thanks to Ann H (! Taken at Dalai Java, one of my favorite coffee places at the Finger Lakes. Photo below.]

