~Marc Gamma~ Archangel Rapheal: Be prepared to receive the great Wave and set to hold tight - 2 November

Eddie1177's picture

[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]

My beloved humans, another week has passed by and I, Archangel Raphael have another message for you. As my brother, Archangel Michael has announced already, we shall adapt our messages to each other. This is being repeated here so all of those just having joined us recently will be in the know.

Everything announced here by my brother last weekend will be followed now subsequently here:

Your planet and all of you humans on it – presently you have arrived at some sort of fault – and what is meant by it has been explained to you respectively some of you had to look it up in the Internet. I do agree that we do make it easy always for you when it comes to reading our messages.


Reading resp. consumption of news or messages does not mean these have automatically been understood in the true sense of it. We feel that you take not enough time in order to get their real sense ! Many of you measure up themselves on how many messages they laid their eyes on when reading those. This is not what we are aiming at – really.

What is the use of our messages if you do not understand their contents? What is the use of our messages if it is only the quantity of our reads that count but not the quality that matters? Be careful and take appropriate care with what we have to submit to you. Attempt please to comprehend the essence of our messages of everything which evokes some resonance in your hearts and thus will bring you forward with your spiritual evolution.

Let us deal now with the particular contents of our today’s message. As described above the process of shifting fault is fully ongoing now and we have arrived exactly to that very point when all of you humans here on earth have to decide themselves for the one or other side. Everyone still being not sure about this decision may ask for our assistance in this matter. We shall come to you and give you our support accordingly. Still this will be done only if your request derives from your love to yourselves and to us too.

This fault-shifting will tend more and more to accumulate energies in favour of one side only. For all those still finding it difficult to understand this expression fully I herewith give you the analogy to weighing scales. If one of the scales is being loaded uniquely increasingly with more weight the scales will lose their original balance and will skip to one side only. This way of skipping is almost imminent now and when happened it will lead to further processes and matters to come into existence and being manifested in your Time-Line.

The only thing missing now in the ongoing process of fault shifting is your wish not looking back any longer into the realm of your past duality. We do take the auxiliary help of speaking in a way of showing you pictures in order to make you comprehend the following: There are still quite a number of people not comprehending fully that letting go matters is to liberate them in order to take a different way from now on. Letting go is also to freeing oneself in order to getting to know something completely new and this at once on the spot for time is running out on us and decisions have to be done Now !

You will notice that our messages now are containing more urge, are more challenging than before. Time of Talking has passed by – now has come the very Time for Action and is before you, my beloved humans. You have to fully notice and comprehend now that it is not done to talk on and on about matters at hand but these talks have to be followed con- and subsequently by according actions and thus must be turned over into your doing too. In such way and none other appropriate effects may be evolved, my dearest ones.

To give you some little preview we’d like to demonstrate some potential to you.

So what is the actual meaning of such a potential? It is something that may occur if the actual course of it now will also continue in due time. In order not to deviate from this actual course you have to stay in your heart – you have to stay firmly grounded to earth, your planet! This special wave as announced by my brother last weekend is about to build itself up and grow – towering itself up and up at this very moment. Don’t give way to it and don’ let yourselves being washed away by it!

The very potential which I mentioned just now -  it will show us whether you have made the rightful kind of decisions. Since all these decisions will be manifested now in your Time Line and will thus will become your new reality – the like you always have imagined when speaking of ascension.

This will become to be your new reality !

If the evolution of this potential is going on in the very same way as before it may be only days until you will be able to face this your new reality yourselves.

Some announcement which this channel has obtained already will manifest also in your time-line. Awakening is approaching you and there are already some few people who woke up before you. This channel still has to experience it since until now he awakened only partially. He still is in the so-called “Waking-up Ward” of some hospital similarly to one after some great surgery.

Do try to note already the very outlines of your New World – do acknowledge already now new feelings and possibilities of the New World and get used slowly to everything which a fully conscious human being will entail too.

You, my beloved humans, this is what you are about to become and to experience too – you, my beloved humans, will still get to know more in a very way like this one. Go forward step by step! Do not overdo it since this is a great challenge and may overwhelm you too – as it has occurred with this channel of mine sometimes.

Take sufficient breaks in-between, drinking much water, ground yourselves firmly and be always aware that all this rebuilding and restructuring in you and your new awakening too – it all will take much power from you decreasing as well resources in due course.

When you are in that special ward for waking up as described with my channel above you will notice everything. Your body will start to vibrate, your body will perceive all that is surrounding you in a different way and on a different level.

You will experience that this feeling of happiness – so new to you too – will become part of your new Self as well!

It is already here “Your very new Self” you only have to accept it now and that is why we told you to let go of all old and overdue matters. Do not look back with anger – frust or else feelings – but look at everything that is before you and welcome it with your heart!

All that will follow now will be that all your wishing since long ago will become true. It is something many of you have seen already before them and this applies also to this channel. It all has to do with your Self. Your Self – or better – Your Presence of “I Am” will be united to the Whole of All-There-Is meaning that you soul will connect itself with your Higher Self !

There is still separation for the time being since now your soul and your Higher Self are being looked upon as separates. This is true when talking from the picture of it – however it is of course not in case of speaking from spiritual view of it.  And still there remains some sort of separation since one part of it i.e. “Your Higher Self” dwells in higher dimensions while your soul or the incarnated part here has to stay on this planet.

These two parts will approach to each other more and more during the next following days. This will lead you to find it increasingly easier to establish some contact with your Higher Self.

In case you want to learn and to recognize how this may be done – I could recommend to you one certain article of this channel which he posted on his blog. He will place the link to this message to your disposal [LINK] . Read it, try to comprehend it, go deep down into your heart as there is your very spiritual essence of all your being. You will then become aware that it is easy to build up some sort of contact with your Higher Self since it has been there all the way before !

I now am about to conclude my message of today. All message will – in due course – become more lengthy and more intensive. They also will contain more information challenging you more than before. Just to peruse a message once and no more – this is no longer done in this way, my beloved humans. It is your heart that has to be put thereto and it is your heart that has to accept and anchor all that is given to you with our messages. Only after such process has been done you will be able to comprehend completely what it is that we want to submit to you.

Proceed forward and take care of yourselves ! The Huge Wave is about to arrive at your doors – and it is building up itself presently – you will be well advised to hold tight and turn your requests to Mother Gaia in order to come to your assistance and support.

With much love to you humans.

Yours Archangel Raphael


Copyright © Gamma Marc. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://soul4free.wordpress.com



Thank you Raphael

Mario's picture

It's about time we start viewing these messages differently I like challenges

Namaste Thank you Be at One