The Guardians of Light: By Caroline Aguiar

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G of L

 by Caroline Aguiar, November 13, 2013

It may seem as if I keep harping on past experiences, and I am, but I’m also fully aware as to the importance of living in the present moment. The past is no longer valid regarding our mis guided perceptions of who we are, or where we think we took a wrong turn along our journey in this life.  It’s all relative.  Our experiences are for our learning and growth.  They are to guide us towards further spiritual evolution, and enlightenment.

Today, for the first time in months, a message came through. I’ve posted it here, along with a video I stumbled upon when I attempted to validate the authenticity of what, or who the message came from.

In April and May of this year, messages from this same source started to come through, although I posted them, they are not logged in my archives here on this blog.  I should probably do that.

I haven’t posted any channeled messages for a long time due to my fears of not knowing who or what was coming through, especially after my recent troubles with unfriendly energies, but again, I need to stop harping on that, too.

Lately I have been praying for clarity, and guidance as to my purpose here in this lifetime.  I’m still not sure what that is, but hopefully I will understand soon.

I’ve posted the message below, along with an amazing video which brought tears of joy to my eyes, thanks to Acylone Vobis, who originally posted it.

The Guardians of Light, The Conversation

GL: You will succeed.

I heard this voice, and the red flag went up immediately. Not feeling threatened in anyway, I simply said:

C: I choose to engage with beings, or energies who are of  the higher dimensions, and who are of love only; those who have my best interest at heart for my learning and growth, and with those who will help me to serve others in love, and in unity consciousness.

GL: You will succeed dear heart, for you are one of us.

C: I am extra cautious as to who I allow into my energy field.

GL: And caution is wise, but we say to you, there is no reason to fear, for we are with you.  We have always been with you, as we are with each, and every one of you.

C: And who are you, may I ask?

GL: We are the Guardians of Light…

C:  I’ve had some difficulties lately, and thankfully things are smoothing out now, but I would like to ask for proof of who you say you are; Guardians of Light.

GL: The proof you think you require is in your heart.  How are you feeling at the moment?

C: Peaceful. Connected.  A little anxious because I fear another go around with an energy that does not have the best of intentions.

GL: Then as long as you hold this perception of fear, this is exactly what you will draw into your field. Do you understand?

C: Yes. I’ve been advised that channeling is not good for me, because of this new situation I’m living in, where I’m able to feel Earthbound Spirits around me. I can’t be certain as to whom I’m speaking with, or the truth of their intentions. Sometimes they come very close into my energy field.

GL: We understand your situation.  It is a time of change for many as the veil is gone.  Many of you are experiencing a heightened sensitivity to the spiritual realms.  This is normal.  You, and everyone on your planet are transitioning into the higher dimensions, and with this comes an enormous adjustment.  It is a realization of everything you were taught, not to believe in, is indeed very real, and true.

We say to you dear heart, and to everyone, we are the Guardians of Light.  We are a group of ascended souls from the higher dimensions who are watchers of the light workings on your planet.  We oversee what takes place throughout the ascension process in unison with our star brothers, the Galactic Federation of Light.

C: I apologize…. but I find it hard to trust the words I’m hearing.

GL: Trust is most difficult for humans to overcome.  Fear of allowing the unknown to enter your reality is understandably daunting.  Lack of trust prevents your hearts from opening to the wonders of your incredible BEingness.  We do not wish to make you uncomfortable, but we ask that you allow the divine plan to unfold as it was meant to.

C: I would like more evidence as to the truth of who yu are.  I realize this is a big request, but I’ve recently learned to be extra cautious in regards to whom I’m speaking with.

GL: Dear one, you will understand soon.  Again, we say you will succeed in your quest to bring more love into your life, and into the lives of those closest to you. Let go of your fears, for it is these very thoughts you hold onto, which draw them ever closer.

When you are ready, we will come again.

C: And how will I know if I’m ready?

GL: You will feel a wave of love within your heart, as you felt yesterday. Do you remember? We were greatly pleased when you responded.  Yes, someone was calling you, and you responded with love, and heartfelt prayer.

We will come when you are ready.  We feel you are ready now, for there is much we have to say for the benefit of all who read our messages, but we feel YOU think you are not ready to become a scribe again, and we understand your fears regarding this endeavor.

We say to you, this fear is invalidated with us.  Yes, you collided with energies who did not have your best interest at heart, but it was for your learning and growth.  These situations which were meant for you to experience provide further understanding, which encouraged you to seek further knowledge of the spiritual realms to which you are now sensitively connected too.

C: Thank you for your encouragement, but I would like some time to think about this.

GL: There are many channels whom we work with, but there is also a significant reason we chose to work with you.  We are not at liberty to say, for that would interfere with your free will, as it would influence your decision-making, and your learning experiences, in preparation for other circumstances yet to come.

You will know when we come to you, as you will feel “called” again. We ask you, and all who read our messages to leave your fears behind, and we honor the decisions you make within your lives regarding steps taken within your life paths.  No step is in vain.  Each step backwards or forwards is for your learning and growth.  Each experience is significant in your spiritual evolution.

It is wise to be cautious, but do not let caution, camouflaged as fear, hinder what was designated for your life path.  Listen to what your heart tells you, and look within for guidance to the new opportunities which will be presented to each, and every one of you.

C: Thank you very much.  I will work on this, and I’m sure those reading this message will be inspired to do the same.

GL: You have been asking for clarity, and guidance regarding your life path, have you not?

C: Yes, I have…relentlessly, but I’m fearful as to who may enter my energy field.  I feel as if I have no control over this situation, and I’m looking to strengthen my energy field, and connect on a deeper level with my guides and Compassionate Allies.

GL: You are doing this dear one, but it takes time and effort.  The Earthbound Spirits are souls who are suffering. Some are lost, while some are not aware yet of their transition from physical life, to that of the spiritual realms.

Some still have egos.  Perhaps they are angry, sad, or scared because they still have emotional ties to their physical lives, which they cannot let go of.

Do not fear suffering for many suffer, especially at this time of the great transition on your earth.  You have recently seen this in the area of the Philipines.  There is suffering in the world of the living, as well as in the spiritual realms in what some call the Middle World which is your present reality.  The Earthbound Spirits still walk among you, and some of you are highly sensitive to their presence.

Although in your hearts, love prevails, and as it should. You are still witnessing suffering, and with this comes great compassion for all mankind.  Some of you are experiencing a degree of suffering within your own lives, be it emotional, physical or spiritual.  You are also witnessing this within your world, and with this comes love, unity, and strength.

We ask for your compassion on all levels of existence, and we suggest you do not let fear over run the opportunities for further spiritual growth. Fear is not at the control panel anymore.  You are, and we say this to all who read this message.  Allow your heart to be your guiding compass from now on.

You ask for proof? We ask you to listen to your heart. Look within.  The proof you seek is there, as it always has been.

You will succeed, all of you will succeed in your journey through this lifetime, and in the many lifetimes to come, if you chose to do so.

We are the Guardians of Light.  Farewell, for now.

C: Thank you Guardians of Light.

Video, Thanks to Acylone Vobis

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