~ Karen Doonan ~ Archangeloi of the ELOHIN on COMET ISON and the New Earth

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Greetings beloved ones, we are the Archangeloi of the ELOHIM and we come to guide and to support ALL upon and within planet earth at this time, a time of VAST energetic shift and change and a shift that is now BEing harnessed and anchored by ALL EMMISSARIES OF LIGHT upon and within planet earth.  The “timing” in the linear context to help ALL for ALL is not as it appears upon and within planet earth.  The coding required by a race that has walked in darkness, containment and suppression for aeons is vast, for ALL are upon and within planet earth in various human forms and ALL human vehicles require to be upgraded and expanded in order for them to harness, anchor and work with the VAST LIGHT that now shines across and within planet earth.  For in TRUTH ALL ARE LIGHT in the UNIVERSE OF 3.

We ask at this time that YOU detach from the information that is given out by your governments and those who sought to contain and suppress and that YOU look within, to the HEART SPACE for many of YOU can already FEEL the consciousness of what is termed COMET ISON.  An energy that has travelled across many universes in order to reach this moment, a moment of absolute CLARITY for those who are here to birth the New Earth upon and within planet earth in TRUTH.

Those who are aligned with this consciousness will now move fully into place within the human race. HIDDEN IN PLAIN VIEW for aeons, walking, gathering and radiating the codes, the LIGHT and the consciousness fabric that is needed by a race that is now REBORN in TRUTH. Do you understand our guidance beloved ones? do you understand that which is now unfolding across and within planet earth?

The new consciousness is that which is asked for by those who created the human race for the human race were a construct, constructed to allow ALL to traverse the planet and explore her magick.  Those who sought to contain and suppress needed to suppress the human race in order to contain and suppress the planet and this is now being addressed on ALL levels. For the human race is now BORN ANEW, created from the LIGHT of TRUTH and it now begins its birthing process into expansion. For by anchoring the LIGHT of TRUTH the fires can burn within, the fires can burn the residue of the old 3d earth paradigms completely and replace them with the LIGHT of TRUTH at CELLULAR LEVEL within the human vehicle.

We send out further coding of 333, 222 and ask that our children in human form open their HEART space and align fully with COMET ISON, holding the intention to connect with the consciousness that it IS in TRUTH. Many of you may already have had what is termed in a human context “contact” with this consciousness for it remembers and will reach out to those who are aligned fully with its consciousness. We ask for ALL to let go of the linear constructs that are holding the old 3d earth paradigms in place and understand that this is the reason that YOU incarnated into a human form upon this planet, for this moment, the SEEDING of LIGHT and EXPANSION upon a planet and within a race that is hosted on said planet.

We shine our LIGHT brightly around, through and within each of our children and around, through and within Mother Earth at this time. The MAGICK of the UNIVERSE of 3 will now BIRTH around, through and within each human vehicle. The prophecies once spoken of by the human race in the “stories” left by those who created the human race now SPEAK in TRUTH. We invite YOU to join our energies at will, we invite you to join with ALL at this time of expansion and growth for ALL JUST IS and YOU ARE in TRUTH.

We are the Archangeloi of the ELOHIM and we walk in TRUTH among YOU at this time.

(c) Karen Doonan, all rights reserved


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