~ Andrew Martin ~ The Lighted Ones: We Thank You For Your Light

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182329_238239526276120_1923463160_n.jpgGreetings and salutations! We come to you at this magnificent time to bring a message of love and light.  There are many shifts in the energies occurring right now and we understand that for many of you this may cause you to feel “a bit off” so to speak. We want to reassure you dear hearts that all is well. All is well.

There is a place within you that is still and pure. Go into that place and begin to become familiar with it. Learn to find this place as a refuge, a sanctuary. A place that is unmovable, unshakeable. The stillness that lives there is the beginning. The deep, vast, feelings of eternity are the place of creation. We will say to you that when you learn to live from this place, to speak, to act, to move from this place then you will begin to see the magnificence that you desire materialize before your very eyes. This place is always available to you, “24/7” as you like to say. If there is ever a moment of doubt or fear or insecurity or if you are unsure. You can go into this place of silence within you and draw incredible peace and comfort. This is where we can meet you. This is where we can comfort you, this is where we can create with you. There is so much love, so much joy, so much caring for you. This is a well that will never run dry! 

We are here, connected with you in love and light. We ask you to take care of and for each other. To nurture yourselves and your loved ones. To honor that which you are compelled to do. So many of you still wonder “but how will I know what is the right thing for me to do”? Again we will confirm to you that there is no wrong or right way for you. There is only the way that feels best for you. If you feel you have received direction or an impulse to act, you will immediately know by how you feel whether or not it is the best option for you at the time. 

The beginnings may feel small, they may feel slight and subtle yet there is so much power in the beginnings. The seed is small that grows the mighty Oak! Never forget that. We know that so many of you think that “bigger is better” (laughter) yet we say to you, size does not matter! (more laughter) A single step, a single breath, a single word, a pure thought and pure intent. These are the beginnings of all great things. Many empires were built with much less! (laughter) So we say again to you, go not into fear or doubt or insecurity. There is a plan and all are a necessary part of it.

Just like the space between breaths. There is a point between that inhale and the exhale that exists and this still point is just as important as any other part of the process. Just as mighty armies will take a moment to “pause and rest” so to speak, so shall you need time and moments to integrate and align with the new energies and the new realities that are taking shape.
So on this day when many of you celebrate by giving Thanks and Gratitude we say rejoice! We honor you, we love you! As you gather round with your family and friends...both physical and non-physical, know that you are loved, you are blessed, you are appreciated and you are necessary. Just like the brush strokes in a masterful painting, so too are you an important part of this composition. Do you think that the Mona Lisa would be the same if even one of those pieces were to change? We know that it would not be the same masterpiece even if one tiny part was different. So too are you important for the grand evolution of your planet and your galaxy. So let it unfold, let it reveal itself to you. Stay in that still point of love and eternity. Go into your hearts and feel dear ones, for that is where we shall meet you.

Until next time, in love and light we leave you! Rejoice! 

