~ Sandra Walter ~ New and Transformational Waves of Light entering NOW

Eddie1177's picture

Welcome beloved 12.12! New and intense waves of Light are entering today and will continue through the Full Moon next Tuesday. These frequencies are focused on UNITY to reunite all levels of the Self! Open to receive the purity, divinity and Light of your true Self.

Keep Calm. Dance, move, sing!
Let the emotions, mind, ego dissolve. Stay in focused willingness to receive.
Go deep into the Heart and align it with the Divine flow of your Higher Self, the Source-Point flow, the flow of the Shift happening right now, in this now moment.
Speak love, gratitude,and compassion in every exchange. This triggers the awakening in others.
Celebrate through creative ceremony in these powerful days. Your unique expression is precious!
Drink plenty of water charged with your intention to Unify through the Heart.
BE in this bliss. You won’t be able to ground, just let it be for now. Float on the Love, rest, be in nature.
Smile and shine, beloveds!





gaiasdaughter's picture

Let the party begin!