~ Carol Ann Ciocco ~ HAPPY NEW YEAR

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Hello friends,

As 2013 winds to a close, I just wanted to take a moment to wish all of you a Happy, Prosperous, Joyful and Amazing New Year, 2014. 

2014 begins with a bang as there is a powerful New Moon in Capricorn on January 1, 2014. To have a new moon fall on the Gregorian calendar's first day hasn't happened for 19 years.

New Moons hold the energy of new beginnings, so this timing aligns nicely with the sometimes refreshing quality of New Years Day, when many of us look ahead and see a blank slate of 365 days before us, full of potential.

Setting intention for how you would like to change your life and find more purpose and success is all the more perfect for this New Years Day. Write out your goals, make a list of what you'd like to accomplish in 2014. The actual, true energetic beginning of any year is the seasonal new-life moment of Spring Equinox (in March for the northern hemisphere). But January 1, 2014 offers a real whoosh of new energy to set us on our course, for some practical thinking and intention-setting.

New Years Day is simply a small taste of the many planetary processes which will take place in 2014. The Cardinal Cross that I've written about so much will return, bringing transformation, challenges, freedom and clarity.

In addition, Venus and Mars will be retrograde in early 2014. Venus is already retrograde (since December 21, 2013) and will remain retrograde until January 31, 2014. Venus is in the sign of Capricorn during this retrograde period, and this begins a new two-year cycle for the emerging Divine Feminine. We are moving into deep body resonance of greater responsibility for right use of resources, both personally and collectively.

Mars will go retrograde in the sign of Libra on March 1, 2014 (until May 19, 2014). Because of the retrograde period, Mars will be in the sign of Libra until August 2014. That's important for us because Mars is usually only in a sign for about 40 days. We have some important work to do around the issues of relationships and other Libra themes this year.

Stay tuned for more information on all of these events in upcoming newsletters.

In the meantime, there is something sparkly to look forward to! For several years now, I have shared information about how the star Sirius is directly overhead as the ball drops on New Years Eve. Go to this link to read about it in my previous newsletter: http://ow.ly/s8tiZ. This is a higher-consciousness download, like a shower of light and information to brighten our way into a new year.

I hope you enjoy the qualities of the Great Light of Sirius, The Shining One, and that you have a dazzling, illuminating and beautiful New Year!

With Many Blessings
Carol ~Carol Ann Ciocco

Here's a wonderful theme song for the inauguration of a great new year, filled with opportunity and possibility. Let's leave our fear behind us. Are you ready to ROAR??
