The Healing Power of Rain Water

Eddie1177's picture


Living amidst nature can be such a beautiful learning experience, one of the lessons we learned while we were living in the countryside was the importance of water. During summer, temperatures would soar up to 42 degrees Celsius (107 Fahrenheit) inside the house and it was even more outside.

But the most gruesome challenge was the lack of water; we were living on rain water that collected in the ground. By summer the water well would run dry, changing the entire landscape – trees would loose their leaves or they look all shriveled up, the only time we would hear a bird would be early in the morning or at the time of sunset.

A research conducted on traditional medicinal knowledge with regards to rain water by Pankaj Oudhia, states, “The healers prefer the water from first rains, but in case of poor collection, they collect water from subsequent rains. For collection of rain water, they prefer Tamra Patra (Copper vessels). The traditional healers in interior regions having not enough purchasing capacity to buy Tamra Patra, use earthen pots (Ghada) to collect rain water.

According to them, the water must be collected before it reaches the ground, although the rain water coming down through plants are also collected but they have specific list of plants that can be used for this purpose.”

Ayurveda or ayurvedic medicine is a system of traditional medicine native to the Indian subcontinent and a form of alternative medicine. Here’s an ayurvedic weight loss recipe that uses rain water as one of its ingredients.

But don’t you think that water dropping from the sky at a point of time when there is so much of positivity will have some kind of change in its molecular structure? It will only seem familiar if you have heard of Masaru Emoto’s work, that talks about how water adapts according to the environment it is in.

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David Porter's picture

 Who's rain water would you suggest, nothing this side of Japan I'm confident??

First things first. Need a very specialized "clean-up crew" down here ASAP!

David Porter

Author of the series