~Frequency and how it affects your reality part 2~

Lia's picture

In order to fully understand the rest of this blog please read part 1 of “frequency and how it affects your reality”.

As I have stated ALL is frequency and ALL is energy, many at this time are still under the assumption that the information that I bring through is from my “higher self” and that as a channel I am channeling SELF. Nothing could be further from TRUTH, the races/realms that I channel ARE REAL, they exist off planet and ON planet earth and they have always existed.   I would ask that you process the words of this blog through the heart space and FEEL TRUTH for the human logical mind tends to filter out that which it cannot see and not “seeing” is the reason for this blog. There is a reason that you cannot see the races/realms that exist around you and it has nothing to do with disclosure or agendas.  This is a concept that is created by the old 3d earth in order to keep your frequency within a bandwith that will PREVENT you from seeing that which you will openly discuss and get into heated discussions about. For as you allow the fear to arise, as you discuss, you neglect to dissolve the very frequency that is blinding you to that which you seek.

As I have blogged upon FREQUENCY will appear as an outer manifestation in your human life experience.  Many people have asked me about the races/realms that I channel, I channel them, I do not interact with them  physically in their solid form for they are unable to walk with me in my human form at this moment. The frequency of the planet earth is not at a level where I reside to allow this to happen.  My personal frequency would have to be at a level that resonated within a certain bandwith or I would not be physically able to interact with another race. The human race have been contained and suppressed for aeons, it is the FREQUENCY of the human race that prevents the races/realms appearing to them nothing else.

So how can I channel them? ALL is energy, the energy that YOU ARE is not contained within your human vehicle, it can be moved at will, it IS moved when you sleep, the old 3d earth creating the concept of dreaming to “explain” what you experience. In TRUTH your human vehicle repairs and rests, the energy that YOU ARE does whatever it wishes to do. Many of you may be becoming more consciously aware of that which your energy does outwith your human vehicle and this will continue to expand as the New Earth frequencies begin to expand in TRUTH.

ALL that prevents you from seeing another race is your energy signature and the frequencies that you run within said energy signature.  IT IS this simple and again it is precisely because it is this simple that the old 3d earth has created the teachings in order to keep your frequency low and contained.  Mother Earth exists in the dimensional space of the UNIVERSE of 3, this is an expansive dimensional space and supports expansion of frequency each moment. At this moment many of you are now able to move beyond where you have ever gone before in frequency, it must be anchored that the PLANET has to support these frequencies, it serves no purpose if Mother Earth is unable to support for the frequencies will then just dissolve.

Many of you are in chaos and confusion allowing the old 3d earth to teach you that you are “wrong” etc when all of this comes down to personal frequency.  The higher the frequency the more is revealed for ALL is hidden in plain view.  Those of you who have reached higher frequencies now able to see and understand that which sought to keep you at a lower frequency but perhaps filtering out that those of a lower frequency CANNOT SEE that which you can see.  Higher frequencies can ALWAYS see lower frequencies but not vice versa.  This has seen many of you expend vast amounts of energy trying to show your family, friends and colleagues something they cannot comprehend in any form and has sought to push you back down in frequency and back into the lower bandwiths.

Disclosure is therefore a PERSONAL REALITY that is driven by your frequency. Until you reach the required frequency bandwith of another race you will not be able to interact with them, the frequencies will prevent this, NOTHING ELSE.  The old 3d earth will seek to continue to teach mass landings and invasions, the need at all times to LOWER YOUR FREQUENCY and keep you in the lower dimensional frequency bandwiths. THESE ARE A CHOICE.  At all times you have a choice, this choice is guided by your SOUL which is accessed through the HEART SPACE.

At this time upon and within planet earth there are many realities, there are around 7 billion different realities that are running simultaneously, that is at least one for each human vehicle.  These realities may APPEAR to be the same, that is people sharing lives but the frequencies determine which parts overlap and which repel and which attract. To change your outer waking reality you need only change your frequency and the choice is YOUrs at all times.



