My Life So far (Tara Grace)

taragrace's picture

I find

alot of people are looking

at the spiritual path

very superficially ..just like cameron day

saying lightworks are slaves for lightforces

all of that stuff is so complex

many people told me through,

the years ..oh spirituality is just an escape

for example..(when I used to go to meditation meetings)

once a was  those same people that ended up commiting suicide years later

when they where 25 and I was 28..or something like that..

now looking into the world at what other people

have chosen for their life path

I am simply shocked out here in the quote unquote spiritual world

its those same people who say do not go to meditational meetings

or (what they call follow ) someone..its those people who are asking

about unhealthy relationships..and why women are in them..and

other questions of the sort...

they are simply looking at sprituality superficially

it is those meditation meetings where a person can see who

they are ..and who is the person they dating..

will that be able to support spirituality

because  it speaks alot about the guy ..

if they are able to support spirituality

its says alot about the being you are with

all the things

I have done on my path

so far , I am glad

and i would never knock

the spiritual path,,

(and on a side can help you as a women

not to be in an unhealthy relationship with anyone

looking for moment on my life so far

Tara Grace