Today's writing is, "The Difference Between Believing In Truth And Living It":
Humans have this uncanny ability to recognize Truth, and I'm not talking about the small temporary truths like "I ate a sandwich for lunch yesterday", but the big Universal Truths. Subconsciously, part of them knows it's true, it sounds good, even if they don't consciously understand why. It's no mystery to us here as to why that is, we're not kidding when we say every Human Being IS GOD, though very few are aware of what this really means. Even to the skeptic and the atheist, something like Love or the profound wonder of the Universe is still very appealing, humans are drawn to those things like moths to a flame.
Now there's a seeming contradiction here, because if people can naturally recognize truth, then why is there still so much ignorance on the planet? Well it's one thing to recognize truth, it's another thing to believe it, and it's something else entirely to actually live that truth. For that, you have to embrace it, truly understand it, and also integrate it into your life.
Let's take an practical example from something I mentioned earlier, that Everyone Is God. There's plenty of people who believe this, especially because it's a fairly popular thing to say in many spiritual groups. Quite frankly though, believing it isn't nearly enough. All that does is toss it on the pile o' beliefs that you call a mind and hope it plays well with the other beliefs, many of which actually deny the idea that You Are God. These conflicting beliefs feed into cognitive dissonance and confusion far more than they create clarity.
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