It is wonderful how much time good people spend fighting the devil. If they would only expend the same amount of energy loving their fellow men, the devil would die in his own tracks of [boredom].
-Helen Keller
Table of Contents
- It’s Official: Nobody in Power Cares What You Think Unless You’re Rich - I Acknowledge
- 'Cherry tree from space' mystery baffles Japan
- How to Heal Past Life Programming
- The Power of Thought
- How To Make Your Own Natural, Non-Toxic Laundry Detergent
- Here are some quotes that will help you let go and live well. - Positive Thoughts
- Believe in Love - Heavenletters
- Daily Message ~ Friday April 11, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics
- Thoughts on Channeling - Updated
It’s Official: Nobody in Power Cares What You Think Unless You’re Rich - I Acknowledge
Today, the idea of popular democracy seems more fairytale than fact. It feels more like government of the rich people, by the rich people, for the rich people. But a study of 1,779 policy outcomes over two decades has come to a stark conclusion: it’s official – the collective opinion of ordinary citizens doesn’t matter.
The study ‘Affluence and Influence’, conducted by Martin Gilens and Benjamin Page concludes that:
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'Cherry tree from space' mystery baffles Japan
TOKYO: A cosmic mystery is uniting monks and scientists in Japan after a cherry tree grown from a seed that orbited the earth for eight months bloomed years earlier than expected — and with very surprising flowers.
The four-year-old sapling — grown from a cherry stone that spent time aboard the International Space Station (ISS) — burst into blossom on April 1, possibly a full six years ahead of Mother Nature's normal schedule.
Its early blooming baffled Buddhist brothers at the ancient temple in central Japan where the tree is growing.
"We are amazed to see how fast it has grown," Masahiro Kajita, chief priest at the Ganjoji temple in Gifu, told AFP by telephone.
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How to Heal Past Life Programming
**We always recommend using discernment when reading outside sources**
Have you ever been told that you were part of the cause for the fall in Atlantis? Do you feel that you may have played the role of the dark in a past life? If you are are one if these people, you may have negative pastlife experiences that need to be healed. Coupled with today’s mind control programming and deep encoded past life experiences, the result is fear of falling into traps that will cause the same pattern of repeating mistakes.
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The Power of Thought
You are responsible for everything you have brought into your life, everything you have left out of your life, and everything that you are currently intending to bring into your life. Every single relationship, association, difficulty, failure, fear, plan, hope, and success is in your control no matter whether you have been guided there consciously or subconsciously. Every mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual state of being that you are experiencing right now is completely under your power. If you think not, then you are giving away your innate power to others. Everything in your life that I have just spoken about above originated, originates, and will originate from one matter – thought.
Your thoughts harness all your power and you wield this power through your thinking. What you think about is up to you. Thoughts trigger every word that comes out of your mouth, every action you go forward with, and every habit you form. In turn, these self-expressions shape and mold your character and as we all know it, your character determines the destiny that guides you. Thoughts actually emanate and radiate energy to and from your body. They directly influence the physical, mental, emotional, social, sexual, and spiritual effort your body, mind, and spirit is willing to produce. Since your thoughts directly correlate to the frequency of your vibrational being, be mindful of what you express – remember love is that of a high vibration and fear is that of a low one. Each thought you create sends a vibration through your being and out into the universe.
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How To Make Your Own Natural, Non-Toxic Laundry Detergent
Government agencies and independent research institutions do not adequately evaluate the safety of numerous substances found in cleaning products, especially those cleaning your clothes. Synthetic chemicals are often flooding the wastewater with chemical residues that do nothing but harm to the environment. There are many ways to make your own laundry detergent but not all formulas are non-toxic. For example borax, a popular do-it-yourself laundry detergent additive is quite toxic to humans. Check out this very simple and non-toxic recipe for a natural liquid laundry detergent.
Read the rest here:
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Here are some quotes that will help you let go and live well. - Positive Thoughts
“Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it.”
―Ann Landers
Letting go doesn’t mean you don’t care about someone or something anymore; it’s just realizing that the only thing you truly have control over is yourself, right here, right now. It’s a necessary process of adapting to the ever-changing realities of life – leaving behind the past to make way for the present.
Here are some quotes that will help you let go and live well.
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Believe in Love - Heavenletters
God said:
When you are a treasure in My heart for all time, what can happen to you but love? Yet love is not a happening, do you understand Me? Love is a Our Very Being. Love doesn’t just come out now and again. Love IS. Love surrounds. Love emanates. Love is more than any attribute. In Truth, Love cannot be singled out. Love doesn’t fall here and not there. Love knows not imagined time and space. Love is not forgetful. Love cannot be hastened or slowed. You are housed in love. You are forever love.
Anything that is not love is not true. This sounds arbitrary to you, yet Love is, and it never is not. Love is to life as blood is to your body. Love exists, and love exists strongly. In the world, love seems to be ever-changing, going up and down, right and left, here and there, yet Love is a constant. There is no shaking love.
However, you do not always observe this on Earth. In fact, dear ones, love is far beyond observable. You can observe a rose. Love emanates from a rose the way the sun shines in the sky. Love shines all over, yet love cannot be pieced. Love is whole. If We want to call love your aura, it is an aura that extends around the Universe and back again. Love is never skinny or rare. All of existence is love whether you are aware of it or not. Too often you are not aware. Keep a look-out for signs of love, for love is never missing. That you exist is proof of love, even as love cannot be proved. It is the same for Me. I cannot be proved. I simply AM.
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Daily Message ~ Friday April 11, 2014 - Trinity Esoterics
Many of you have had difficult love relationships, particularly before you stepped onto your enlightenment path. In fact, those painful relationships can often be catalysts to your spiritual growth. It is quite common for people to actively step back from relationships when they decide to embrace growth and healing for themselves. Opening yourself back up to relationships after that can be a scary prospect. You feel like you are much more balanced and healthier, but you may feel unsure of how to approach relationships from this new place of authenticity. You may also wonder if you have healed enough to draw healthier relationship experiences to yourself.
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Thoughts on Channeling - Updated
I'd like to share my observations about channelers and channeling, as there has been much controversy surrounding them. Channeling allows for some very wonderful information to come through, and it has assisted millions of people with their own evolution. For many readers, and the channelers themselves, it is the easiest way they have to connect in with the Higher Realms. It gives people inspiration, drive and direction and encourages people to go beyond their boundaries. While channeling has many beautiful aspects, it also has some limitations I recommend being aware of.