Mother Gaia herself has become like a sun

AdiGaia's picture

Mother Gaia herself has become like a sun radiating the incoming energy of the new year. This is the first year of earth energy, not spiritual light energy!

I have been experiencing this golden GaiaStar within my chakras -- Adi

Rapid Acceleration of Events!

February 4, 2015 by anarchistbanjo

Since last Sunday when the newly created “collective” timeline and Gaia multi-verse came online in physical 3D with a complete severance from non-compatible energies there has been a massive adjustment as all life forms rushed to finalize their new connections to the only game in town, the Unity Grid. 

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For the new elves this means a deepening of the new blueprint or pattern through a deepening of contact with their divine counterparts. This will at least happen in dreams if not otherwise. And just in time for Valentine’s Day! :) For them love will raise the vibrations of their world. Make love, not war.

For the new humans it seems massive quantities of old soul/high frequency walk-ins  are the winning ticket that will bump up the frequency levels.

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This will include spontaneous kundalini awakenings and massive spiritual awakenings as human awareness tries to cope with the surging energies within the physical body and within the social structure.

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Once the energies have been released and run their course there will be no repressed energies or emotions left. Then the healing can begin. Then the Golden Age can begin.

Those that have done the inner work will remain safe and protected from harm. They will be guided in what to do.