HuRay! Here we are at the precipice of the greatest event to happen EVER!

Lia's picture

~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member World Bridger~



Greetings all,


HuRay! Here we are at the precipice of the greatest event to happen EVER! Something that as I have been shown has never happened before! Brave comment I know, but I have to be true to myself. No one know exactly whats going to happen except Source. Ascension will happen true, but we have a suprise in store. Why do you think everyone one who can be here or around to watch is here!?! This is BIG!!! Everyone wants to be a part of it in some way!


Why did I say such a thing? Only because I am being compelled to. 


In 1994 I had an experience where I was aware of being connected to this electric blue grid and I experienced being birthed into this life, all the vibrational changes I experienced up to the moment I was having this experience, which was very strange. then I went into the future, while this was going on I noticed/felt the mother awakening as if from slumber. The father was saying numerical equations which equaled a vibration, the Mother would say the sound, I would experience it as well as say the sound, this might not be totally accurate as I am trying to explain something that is difficult to put into terms. But it is honest. I realize now i was being given awakening codes. The father said an equation having to do with the number 9, which made all these equations happen within my consciousness that happened in waves and always ended in 1, the mother said I n I, there was a movement behind me as I am in the grid and I was "pulled" out of the grid by my Higherself, lol I gave myself a highfive! The Mother said "You didn't think we would forget about you" Which made streams of tears from joy. My Self said to me my "issues" and said but we know where our heart is, I said to do the Fathers will, to Love and we were one. 


I was in space, most likely on a ship but I only saw space, there was what looked like a ball of light, maybe a portal? for there were many appearing outof the ball of light? My Family was there, I was told much that I don't remember. We were in a place that all time was happening at once, yet was out of time and all time is observable. We all seemed to be reviewing my experiences, with full understanding. It was the most hilarious thing I have ever experienced. A dark comedy at that.


I was shown that I had a cause for being or some call a contract, I was shown that it is all about Love and it is serious business! I was shown that it was agreed that I would have this experience long before entering into this life. It was a gift from Father on behalf of Mother and my Higherselves. 


Now being in a a place or dimension where all is happening at once, it seemed all were at this point where what exactly is going to happen has not been revealed/happened? lol hard to explain. All this is, it is very dumbed down and can not be put into words to be accurate. It is the best that I can do. 


No matter what exactly happens, this experience here, is nothing to what is going to be experienced, this is like a grain of sand on the beach of possibility's !!! So when the ego goes to try to trick you into thinking you will be giving something up, you will, LIMITATION FOR TRUE FREEDOM!


In Loving Service, World-Bridger 

I Am Bird Tribe, Greetings!





I meant to write Limitation

World-Bridger's picture

I meant to write Limitation and will have true Freedom... No one will be giving up True Freedom. Much Love.