~Ben Fulford Acknowledges Genuineness of Martinez Video~
Ben Fulford acknowledges today that the James Martinez video is indeed not a hoax. He doesn’t use the word “NESARA” in a sentence and I personally don’t know what “the 130-national group” refers to.
The Company of Light has been reluctant to give too many details about the Earth allies who are bringing in NESARA. Ben says:
“The 130-nation group that announced a new financial system through the Conscious Media Network on January 1st also contacted the White Dragon Society and said they will prove with action, and not words, that they represent extremely powerful interests. This writer initially, and apparently incorrectly, denounced the announcement as a psy-ops because this group was not identical to the 117 nation Monaco group previously reported about in this newsletter.
“All of these major factions will now have to reach an agreement. There will some serious horse-trading over the coming weeks before any sort of agreement is reached or public announcement is made but it appears a solution to the financial crisis is now on the horizon.” (1)
As you know, Archangel Michael only described it as “a combination group of star beings, human beings, and, can we say, with our input, that is working together.” Here is a review of what AAM said:
Steve: The James Martinez video has been called a hoax. For me, it seemed like a quiet announcement of NESARA. Was it a hoax? Was it a quiet announcement of NESARA? What was it?
Archangel Michael: It was a – a starting flag. Itʼs not a hoax. It was a starting flag.
SB: From whom? Who gave that –
AAM: A quiet announcement that things are moving. And it was done in a way that it was meant and intended to reassure people that things were underway, that all the details that have need to be put in place cannot possibly be shared on a very wide spectrum at this moment, or it would cause complete chaos and the collapse – it would cause more harm than good. So it was done in this manner to give hope and encouragement and to say itʼs started.
SB: Well, the Monaco Accord group says it didnʼt come from them. Who did it come from? Or can you say that?
AAM: It has come from a group, and it is a combination group of star beings, human beings, and, can we say, with our input, that is working together.
SB: Okay. I donʼt want you to expose Earth Allies or anything like that. Thatʼs enough for me personally. All right, the –
AAM: [ ? ] that this individual would expose himself this way. He has done so at great – not risk, but – risk of ridicule to himself.
SB: Yes, indeed.
AAM: And he has not faltered. He has gone forward. (2)
Whether David Wilcock will follow suit, I don’t know. But Ben’s acknowledgement is nonetheless significant and should give people that extra margin of comfort that NESARA is moving ahead and being publicly spoken of for the first time perhaps in history.
It used to be that, if one made reference to it, one could end up in jail.
AAM has said that the Company of Light does not want to cause chaos and collapse by being too bold in their initial assertions but the subject has definitely been put on the table and moved from being an elephant that no one wants to talk about to being a subject that has entered public, informed discourse.
(1) “Benjamin Fulford: The Feds Have Sued for Peace and Detailed Settlement Negotiations Have Begun,” at http://the2012scenario.com/2012/01/benjamin-fulford-federal-reserve-fact...
(2) “Transcript of an Hour With an Angel, Jan. 2, 2012,” at http://the2012scenario.com/2012/01/transcript-of-an-hour-with-an-angel-j...