"Houston, we have a problem!" (Yugoslavian space program) trailer... Amazing and just on TIME [while time still exists...]...

AnaShyNa's picture

Commentary from GFP:

Finally, the truth is in the air... Yes, shy but very determined, very persistent... 

This is just a beginning of full story Disclosure... From Nikola Tesla secret projects [this is the place where most of his projects and inventions were delivered and fully developed...], to Visoko Pyramids [the larger number and tallest fully sustained pyramids, 9 of them, and taller than ones in Giza...], to connection between CIA, Kennedy, Tesla, Tito and UFO's...


Disclosure already started... very soft form of disclosure... but it is here... from Julian Assange, to Max & Stacey Keiser, from Nikola Tesla's secrets and Potocnik's courage to Anonymous persistence, from  OccupyWallStreet to Global Financial collapse, from Galactic Free Press with MotherGOD and FatherGOD to FIRST CONTACT with Our Galactic Brothers and Sisters...


And many, many more wanders, truths, secrets to be reviled and fully disclosed... Time is for GLOBAL PARADIGM SHIFT of GALACTIC PROPORTIONS...

Love you all... We are all part of Planet Earth HIS-STORY, and GAIA's ASCENSION... With Love, Predrag


[and yes, I was born, lived for 26 years,  and get in-love in Yugoslavia, and admired Tesla and Tito... and I am stating today for the first time my vision about NEW YOU-GO-SLAVIA... IT will be ONE again, and not only with 8 separated parts, but with all Europe and Russia...] FREEDOM IS HERE... LOVE IS HERE... FATHER~MOTHERGOD ARE HERE... TO STAY... TO BE LOVE THEY ARE... 




Docudrama revealing one of the biggest secrets of space race during cold war - Yugoslavian space programme.

"Yugoslavs made rapid development based on unknown diaries of Yugoslav space pioneer Herman Potočnik - Noordung after 2nd world war. Technical solutions described in Potocnik's unpublished papers were the basis for establishing secret Yugoslav space
programme in 1948, after Josip Broz Tito's conflict with Stalin.
In late 1960, CIA discovered that Yugoslavia already had an operational space-flight technology. 
In March 1961 Yugoslavia secretly sold complete space programme to USA.
In May 1961, Kennedy announced USA choose to go to the Moon. 
In this documentary we will reveal how Tito built the biggest secret underground space centre in Europe in army base Željava with code name "Object 505".

Researched and written by Boštjan Virc

Directed and co-written by Žiga Virc

Production Studio Virc

Object 505 footage: