Galactic Love Reporter Bill Ballard ~
~ Doing The Dimensional Slide ~ 24 January 2012
The Dimensional Slide. It sounds like some New Age dance step and in a way it is. As frequencies rise and spiral into the center many are experiencing contact with parallel dimensions and other realities. As frequencies elevate the veils become thinner and we find ourselves shifting into alternate realities – all happening in the now.
We know thought creates reality and vibrations allow access to various dimensions. However, as we near the center of the 2012 spiral (coming ever closer to the point of oneness) there is something else also happening. Various possible realities are conjoining. Multiple possibilities of All That Is are manifesting before our eyes.
There is a choice that each must make. It is, “What do I wish to manifest from this illusion for my own future self to experience?”
For many years we’ve been told this time would come – the time of merging timelines. This reality has now arrived. Many are now perceiving these parallel experiences and stepping into them. Many are becoming aware as they witness and/or feel moments of alternate possibilities. From my perspective these are the possible choices we can shift into for various experiences.
This is what mastery is about – that we create exactly what we intend and not step off into another cycle of lessons because we could not master our thoughts and emotions.
This subject gets deep as I ponder it. How best to express this in words?
I had experiences of this as a child. They seemed to occur as various encodings were unlocked for my spiritual growth. When I look back to those magical experiences from this time-frame it seems dimensional slides were what had actually occurred.
It is all about the possibilities of alternate realities. As we experience a slide we shift from the current reality we experience into, for a moment or more, other existing realities where our souls are also incarnated. As you know consciousness and our true selves are far greater than what the ego experiences in this life – in this body.
Yes. You have the ability to raise your frequencies and shift consciousness up and down your Antakarana to experience different dimensions and levels of consciousness anchored at various chakra levels. But you are not just what is on the Antakarana connected from Mother Earth’s Sacred Heart through you and back to Source. There are many additional fragments of yourself in alternate realities – parallel universes – experiencing all the alternate choices that were possible for you to experience in this current incarnation.
This is a deep subject, a bottomless pit in itself. What I’m saying is when you experience a meshing – a conscious touching of alternate realities while your current life plays out – it is a decision point, an opportunity to go in another direction. It is a chance to walk through a doorway that has opened when two probable realities merge for a short time.
Is this what Jesus meant when he spoke of the End Times, saying two would be in the field and one would be taken? It sometimes seems to me a doorway opens that I could step through, a portal manifesting in this reality I am used to. Do I have choice? I think so. This is no doubt why each must master experience by controlling thought and emotion.
Messages concerning mastery of thought and emotion keep arriving. That what we decide to picture in our minds is what creates and manifests our reality. As Mother Earth shifts into the higher 5th dimensional vibrations thoughts and emotions manifest more instantly. This is especially the case as we individually raise our personal vibrations.
Mother Earth’s shift into these higher vibrations is a big problem for those who have not learned to control/master personal thought, emotion and mental pictures. It is now a time of great responsibility for our personal behavior. This is what the End Times and the separation of Wheat and Chaff is all about.
You can go into any reality you create for yourself. It is all about how high you raise your frequency, what thought and emotion you wish to envision as you create the illusion you experience. The awakening is the realization that you are indeed creating reality. It is knowing you are here to experience All That Is. This includes many different levels of experience in alternate and parallel universes overlaid and side by side with the one you are attuned to in this reality. These alternate pathways are in addition to the higher dimensional levels you attune to in your day to day life.
What Is Happening In 2012
Humanity is arriving at the center point of the spiral - the zero point where all time, space and realities converge. Individuals who are just awakening may have difficulty comprehending this. I feel deeply for them. It is such a vast subject and level of awareness. That said, I also know all individuals will be given the understanding they need for their souls’ growth in these times. The Law of Attraction will see to that. The vibration each chooses to experience will create the level of teaching that resonates with personal choices for experience.
This is why you need not focus on the spiritual development of another. Each has free will and interrupting such may create a karmic tie. You really don’t want any of that to have to play out and complete! Indeed, no more Karmic bonding for me!
Back to what’s happening in 2012. As we approach Zero Point and veils continue to drop dimensional slides will increase and get stronger. They will remain unveiled longer. We will now doubt experience gateways to other realities – portals or doorways we can step through for that alternate experience. What we think and feel, and the level of vibration we emit at the time the dimensional doorway is visible brings forth resonance with the alternate reality.
I have heard of others going through portals such as this and learned it is easier to go through than it is to return to the previous reality. An example is the story of the Men In Black – those alternate universal beings that slid into our universe and brought the negativity needed for ascension. They created a portal not knowing what reality was on the other end of the wormhole. They stepped through into our universe in the area of Sirius and could not return to their point of origin. They came from a lower 2nd dimensional vibrating universe into our 3rd and 4th dimensional levels. This turned out to be a good event, one that has played an important part in Earth School’s duality experience.
It is my belief these doorways are wormholes into various alternate realities that are attracted by the vibrations we emit. It is a fork-in-the-road provided for choice. We could go either way. It is our choice whether or not we experience these alternative possibilities.
This is the dimensional slide I attune to when I experience these alternatives flowing in. My experience urges me to remind you to guard your every thought and emotion. Master them! Mastery is Key to this ascension experience! That is exceedingly obvious at this time.
And don’t get hung up about your ego. Let it go! Ego is only you in this lifetime. It is not you in these alternate realities and certainly not in the higher dimensions where ego doesn’t exist!
My Early Childhood Experience With The Dimensional Slide
My first experience was as a child. I was still in touch with my other worldly powers, having not yet been told these were just imaginary powers. I would experience times when I felt I had options concerning where to go and what to do. Looking back from my current level of comprehension I now know what my child-self believed was true. I could have been anything and done anything I wanted. These doorways were decision points capable of affecting future manifestations within this illusory reality. What I experienced were multiple forks in the road of what would/could happen as a result of the choices I made.
Later in life I found these experiences occurring in those higher levels of awareness as my spiritual encodings were unlocked. As Jim Carrey stated the awareness was experienced – felt as whole – but then slipped away as we attempted to grab it and hang on. In any event the decision we made sent us through the doorway into the life we ultimately chose to experience. What Jim Carrey was attempting to hold on to is this ultimate knowingness that lies between two worlds – the connection to the wizard behind the curtain.
The In-Between Reality Phase
The in-between phase is the doorway we step through. It is the middle ground – the point from which we see both sides. It is an unveiled point of connection to Source from which we perceive with full awareness. As I matured these dimensional slides within my field of awareness occurred from the high vibratory state of love.
It was the act of making love that opened the doorway on many occasions. At first I didn’t understand what was going on. All I knew was that it felt exciting, familiar and was triggered at the peak of oneness that results from a heart-to-heart chakra connection. I thought it was because of the partner I had at the time and our being in love. I have since discovered it has nothing to do with a certain other, even though they can take you to that state of Oneness by the love you feel for them. What I subsequently discovered was my experience represented the level of love I had opened myself to – a level that can be experienced with or without another partner.
I have since found I can experience this dimensional slide while making love but not limited to a certain individual. It is my connection to the Source Field – to that Zero Point where the veils drop and possibilities can become endless. It happens because love is Creation! But partnering can be a problem within itself as karmic bonding can occur. That we don’t want to have happen at this time! Making love is best undertaken with a prior agreement that no “cording” or emotional bonding occurs that creates karma. Sex must be sacred and only heart to heart.
How To Avoid Karmic Entrapment
Energies are transferred when you make love or allow someone to bond within your energy field. This can be a problem if your choice of partners is not a good one. People bring the energies of others into your field. These energies may consist of others they have been with, energies of other family members, their environment, or even past experience and life issues. You must be exceedingly careful regarding who you allow into your field at this time as the baggage they carry can indeed trash your energy field. Each needs to take care of personal garbage rather than leaving it in another’s field to clean and clear up. Be careful and choosy concerning who you allow to be close to you. It is your as much your personal experience as mine is my own!
I do know that love making with the right partner, and having spiritual sex can take the couple into the higher dimensional awareness as that heart to heart connection is created and the fields of the two merge into one. Remember we are all one anyway and you are only sharing love with another aspect of your self. Making love is a reconnection with another you. The sensation of being in love is simply the true loving of you! You are loving yourself and allowing the experience to enter from an external source. You think you are in love with that other you, but truly that other you is helping you break down barriers of living from the mind and assisting you to shift into heart.
The heart is where you must learn to stay. Being with others can help you make the connection from head to heart but you must stay in the heart to anchor that way of being. Doing this allows you to really love your Self and find that connection to who we truly are inside rather than looking to the external illusion for happiness. That internal connection is the connection to Source and the only true reality that is eternal. All exterior is finite and will dissolve.
On occasion – once true love is present – the perception of an opening to a different world occurs. From my perspective this is very real. It is a doorway in consciousness to experience a different reality. It is just a portal through that sacred space in your heart from which you can perceive the entire universe no larger than a beach ball in your hands as you step through.
What’s on the other side of these dimensional slides – these portals of reality that open? I don’t know. What I do know is that each time I have had supernatural experiences in this Bill Ballard lifetime the energy that has stopped me is fear. I would have a single thought emerge that limited my experience, and that single thought set the reality I would later experience. I believe my reality would have been changed. The only thing that held me back was me – my thought, emotion, and perception.
The 2012 Center Point And Dimensional Shift
We are approaching a definitive time cycle center point as we spiral ever tighter towards the galactic center. Time will continue to accelerate and issues will repeat with greater intensity as we move closer to that point. This is why now is the perfect time for mastery and completion of all lessons we came to Earth School to learn. It is time to clear karma and decide what we each wish to manifest and experience next. That is what 2012 and the coming dimensional shift is all about.
Many individuals will remain on this 3D level of experience while others will choose to step off that ride and opt for one of myriad other possibilities. If it can be thought of it exists. If not in this universe then definitely in a parallel one. We have the choice to experience anything our hearts’ desire and we are by our thoughts and emotions attracting that new experience. The excitement of 2012 unfolds with increasing rapidity. Those who have so deeply immersed themselves in the lower dimensions may find themselves having a difficult time. But that is what they need.
It is my understanding that messages as this one will always find the person seeking. That is the Law of Attraction. What we choose to allow ourselves to perceive and to experience will be aided by Spirit bringing us the tools, awareness and comprehension into our lives, for us to gain the experiences on the path we choose. There is, in reality, no good and no bad – just choice. Choice is what must be made. We have a myriad of choices allowed – choices limited only by our capacity for thought.
Not making a conscious decision to ascend is one of your choices at this time. If you decide not to ascend you will remain in the lower dimensional vibrations for another cycle of duality. That is an additional 26,000 years of time as we perceive it, and a Self-selected number of reincarnations until the next astrological cycle of ease and grace occurs.
These increasing numbers of dimensional slides are the doorways into alternate realities. You can choose to step through if you want. Simply observing the myriad options offered for alternate experience can also be done. For me personally seeing those possibilities and remaining in this ego/higher-self manifestation is my choice. I choose to create and stay in this reality. It is quite interesting to have these experiences and encounter Source in those portals between worlds.
Many are attempting to explain – with limited words – the experience we are having. This is occurring with greater frequency as many reach higher levels of vibration. I bring up this subject because I have heard no discussion of it as yet in the hopes of provoking others to share their ideas and understanding. This in turn helps me view my experience from a more enlightened perspective when I am able to contemplate other’s perceptions of similar experience.
With Unconditional LOVE for All That IS,
Bill Ballard – First published 1/23/12 via by Gilian link to article