Blossom Goodchild
December 15th, 2016
Hello my friends. T’is Christmas time here on Planet Earth as you know, and I feel this might be our last channelling of the year due to commitments and time allocation! So, may I take this opportunity to thank you for all you have brought through throughout this year and for assisting so many of us in raising our Vibration.
Dear Souls who reside, as chosen, on Planet Earth at this invaluable season. It is of the greatest pleasure to bring to you words … which then can be FELT IN FULLNESS BY SELF … that enhance and uplift.
The word ‘speculate’ keeps popping in my head. Yet, isn’t fitting in a sentence.
You are ahead of us, Blossom. We indeed are speculating the current situation upon your Planet and we surmise that it is good. Although, to some they may feel it is not. We quite strongly offer you these words … in which your soul can resonate with and understand.
You shall spread your wings and fly … and in a sense … we mean this literally.
In a sense? Yet, literally?