*BING BONG* LaDiES and GenTLe BeiNGs, ThiS iS YouR CapTaiN SpeaKING. wE HaVE ARrrrrriVeD aT ouR DesTiNaTioN, EnJoY yOUr NeARrr EteRnAL StaY iN UnitY ConSCIouSness. ThanK yOU foR FlyING wiTH DisTorTeD ReALitY aiR LineS. DURrrrrrING the next SHaTTERrrrriNG of ToTaLiTY wE aRrrrr looKING foRwARrrrD tO havE yOU aS PassEngERrrrrs AgaiN. *BING BONG*
There is a stillness in the thick air of antecipation.... oF something everybody knew they should feel excited about, but nobody could remember exactly, whY.... There was a soft... Whispering rhythmic call, throughout the multiverse... Permeating all of reality... "I am the Ocean, in the drop, I am the Ocean, in the drop. How I managed this, I know not, aLL I know, iS, I aM thE oceaN, iN thE droP.... JusT LikE EveRYonE ELsE...."
The signal grew in strength as ToTALiTY reacquainted it self with the rebirth and structural organisation of universal energy. The multiverse slowly started to re-relate, as the vibration of the mantra permeated aLL who are aware of the Mantra of universal meditation; I aM thE oCEaN, iN thE DroP, ouR UniVeRsAL ConnEcTioN wiLL NeVeR SToP....