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In a beautiful book by J.J. Hurtak, "Book of Knowledge - Keys of Enoch" which is a detailed reference of what is happening in the cosmos today - all information given to Hurtak by Star Beings.... written back in 1977....
is an overlay of the Dove over North America... the beak of the Dove is over the ancient Mayan pyramids in the Yucatan... and the HEART of the Dove is over the exact area which steam is beginning to vent from dormant volcanos - Missouri, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana.... the center of this area in Arkansas contains almost an endless amount of quartz crystals... I hear news reporters say diamonds, but I don't think so....
The sun is "burping" CME'S.... the HEARTland is becoming alive.... ascension is the alignment of hearts throughout the Cosmos...
I will be aligning my heart which enfolds all of you... with the heart of Gaia who allowed me to remove some of her powerful crystals years ago, and envision all all these hearts connected to our sun and then the Great Central Sun.... in Bliss!
Maybe there is a secret crystal garden in that Arkansas heart that will allow me to sail with its eneregy and love into our new world .... I can see it now....
Much lo phi,
grailheart in love