New Moon of Gemini
The New Moon of Gemini is the ascending and empowering awakening of the New Earth and New EarthStarNation members who are serving the creation of the planetary/universal ascended life civilisation organism and ascended spacelife civilization organism.
New Moon in Gemini lies exactly opposite the Galactic center....
Fasten those seat belts everyone, we are about to take off on a three month adventure of accelerated energies. Starting today, at the New Moon in Gemini. Gemini lies exactly opposite the Galactic center on the zodiacal ecliptic, and so brings into focus and tension the powerful Light Codes that stream out from the Galactic Center. As the sign of the Twins, it urges us towards merging our inner duality of masculine and feminine into the energy of Oneness.
This will be followed by the 6/6 star gate on the 6th of June when the energy of Unconditional Love will be a strong flow in our lives, then we head into the Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 17th June and the Solstice on the 21st June, which will again amplify the energies of the Galactic center and accelerate the evolutionary impulses.