
Acclipthys: The Ascended City in the Sky

GLR Wes Annac's picture

Whenever I go deep into meditation, lately I have been connecting with many ascended beings whom have been showing me their ascended cities in the sky. They have taken me to be apart of their many Love giving rituals, these rituals are so beautiful and harminous and earthly words are quite scarce to describe the experience. One of these rituals, we were in a stone-marble ‘hall’ I guess you could call it, and they had me stand in the center of a big group of them as they chanted. It was a Love-giving ceremony, and I was in the center of it.

They all lit up with a Divine golden glow as they began expressing their higher dimensional Love and sending it to the core of our dear host Gaia. This Love infused itself and merged with my soul, and I found that I was also giving this Love. Collectively we all began to hover upwards with the Love we were giving, and at this point we were all glowing with the golden aura of Harmony and Joy as we gave this Love. The next part of the process is one that is quite hard to describe, but in a nutshell we all became this Love we were giving, and as this Divine Love we traveled to the core of Gaia where we were then transported to many areas of the world, where this Love that we were incarnate as began cleansing many areas and souls. We performed miracles as this Love and we literally changed people’s lives, it was certainly a ceremony I’ll never forget.

There had to of been literally millions of advanced souls performing these rituals and inhabiting these ascended cloud cities, but there were a few that were in a group whom I am closest with as they are my guides. These souls are Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Hatonn, and if my memory is correct I also believe my guide Solara was there. I’m sure there were more of my guides with us, but my earthly memory can’t remember every detail, though I dearly wish I could!

The Ascended Masters- "Disclosure Will Only Be the Beginning"

GLR Wes Annac's picture

Wes: My dear Ascended Masters and friends, I wish to speak with you on this night.

AMs: Hello Dear Wesley. We understand you have some questions for us. What would you like to know Dear One?

Me: Indeed, I do have a couple questions for you to answer. Here is the first question:

"While Disclosure is very important, what I'd like to know is any information about Nesara.  And before or after Disclosure, or very close together?  WHEN???  In a way, asking a "financial" question seems unspiritual, yet when money is a huge problem and children to feed and shelter in this 3-D world of ours, it's a big problem and any relief would help!

Thank you very much".

AMs: The new global financial system is to be implemented at around the same time disclosure is announced, and at this time we are making the final plans pertaining to such events. The 'schedule' if you will has been flipped around a number of times; there were times when we wished for disclosure to start everything, and since then we have made many changes. While we wish not to be too specific at this time pertaining to these plans, we can say that the new governmental transfers and global abundance programs are to begin very shortly after disclosure is announced. The 'elites' have now found themselves backed in a corner, and they are finding that the only way out of their troubles is to have the governments they own publicly disclose the existence of extraterrestrials. Dear Ones this will only be the beginning.

We are to allow some time for the dust to settle after the inital announcements are made, and during this small waiting period we expect your collective consciousness to be quite active with both excitement and fear.

More Contact With My Spiritual Guides, Part 1

GLR Wes Annac's picture

-Hello friends. If there are any that were worrying my last ‘Contact with my guides’ message was too short, worry not! This latest message is so long I have had to divide it into two parts. This is because I am channeling six different beings. Now, I wish all to know, the content of this message is mostly relevent to my own Life and past. Disclosure, First Contact and extraterrestrials are not really discussed, and being that I am contacting my personal guides, the message is for the most part centered on myself. Even still, I think the information presented here is very interesting, and some of what is said can apply to others. Much Love, (Galactic Love Reporter) Wes Annac :)-
Me: I wish my guides to be with me at this time, I wish to have a conversation. All guides who are with me, if such is your intent please state your names.

I AM Archangel Michael

I AM Archangel Gabriel

I AM Archangel Hatton

I AM Solara

I AM Adama

I AM Archangel Wesley

Me: Friends, is there anything you collectively wish to share with me?

My Guides: Certainly Dear Wesley! We wish so dearly that your presence in our cloud cities could be more frequent, as you have much training to continue now that you have re-discovered us. Now is the time to fully come back to us, back to your Divine and Inner roots. As you do so, so will the world. You will see what we mean very shortly. Now Dear One, we know you have been through many struggles, and it seems to you that many bad things just happen out of nowhere. Are we right on this Dear One?

Me: You are correct. I have felt from time to time that random negative events seem to manifest, and a lot of the time it is when I am attempting to give Love or meditate or channel, you know some form of Lightwork. Where are you heading with this Dear Masters?


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