Its becoming my perception, That as we experience what often amounts to an Avalanche of Emotional Purging or Upheavals Of Memories that "Tug" on our Heart Strings, and cause Revelations of Vulnerabilities or Regrets, .......over time Have often been Falsely categorized as what many consider to be Weaknesses, or Illnesses, or Symptoms, even Madness...
When in Reality, these are the Very Doorways to our Secret Strengths.....And we Hid those Strengths behind Incredible, Fantastic Illusions...
Once we see these marvelously intense Illusions for what they are, (A NON-Reality) and how we so cleverly designed them for our own personal Challenges, we can release and transform all of these Illusions of Pain, all of the Suffering, All of the Sorrow and Loss, and send it Back to its place of Origin. The Source of LOVE..
We Started this Journey with LOVE..We Sacrificed and Separated with LOVE...And now that we are remembering WHO WE ARE... We will Close this Chapter..with LOVE....Only to begin Anew...Entirely Composed of LOVE...
Anyways, thats how I see it...