=== --- *** === ~~~ *** ^^^ MEDITATION FROM SANAT KUMARA --------- NOW "Transmuting the Mass Consciousness"
Sanat Kumara Channeled through Janisel
Greetings Beloveds, We have a special request to ask of all of you, but first we will preface our request with some information which is of the utmost importance at this time.
As you know, there is what has been referred to as a "Universal Unconsciousness". This is a vast storehouse of information which is available to ALL of you. You may tap into it at any time and receive the information you require to continue on your Ascension Path. In a sense, it is like channeling information from all of the Masters, Angels and Light Beings at the same time.
Now, you also have what is referred to as the "Mass Consciousness". Each planet, star system and "Group Consciousness" has its unique "Mass Consciousness". This is the accumulation of ALL energies projected within the 'group'. In your case, it is the accumulation of ALL energies created and projected by all Life Forms on your planet. This "Mass Consciousness" not only stores, but projects the energies 'back' into the planet and all Life Forms are surrounded by this energy.
Our entire planet is all sharing the same consciousness As I have spoke to HERE, we come from the exact same source, just different vibrations, or you could say frequencies, that make us and everything we see around us unique. However, at a deeper level we remain connected to everything.
There was a man by the name of Cleve Backster who stumbled on a way to offer tangible proof of this back in the 1960′s. Cleve Backster was the worlds foremost polygraph expert, set up a school in San Diego California that trains numerous intelligence agencies, and proved over 35 years ago that plants can respond to our thoughts. One day Backster hooked up his office plant to a polygraph machine with the intention of measuring how long it would take for the water to change the electrical resistance the plant would have. What he found was the plant displayed a response that would be the same as if a human was hooked up to the machine and experienced happiness.