cycles of time as conscious knowledge

Cycles within our conscious creations

Mario's picture

When I speak of timelessness in creation, it is sitting down, and consciously gathering universal knowledge, these come in "packets" as ive said, and the creation, to set views in mind of what it is I am, explaining is, we can gather these packets within "mind" but to augment your own understandings, "conscious reconstruction within" wrighting down and continually anylyzing the concepts brought up in "time" time here is referred to what we connect with, as are within the third eye, its vast and universal, writting it down in timeless states augment your pure abilitys to limitless expansions within possibilitys known from uknown to unveil itself to you, the cycle of creation, augments, evolution. It may be for some individuals only?? I am not sure why I can not find anyone whom got as far within. It feels as something our ancestors or life in other parts of the universe goes on with constantly. 



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