Believing,believability,belief systems, are all egoic conditioned mind reactive unconscious deluded disidentification from the soul, living in identification with the conditioned unconscious reactive controlling superior,condescending ego mind. This activity of continually looking into these specific thought forms within , and words from others, as a support system to keep the conditioned ego mind’s control mechanism of needing conflict to stay in tact ,is the reason for all war. Not just war in the generalized sense of the word where two or more nations come together and use guns and bombs and spy drones to kill one another. I’m speaking of the war that takes place everywhere including the warzones that are found in the media’s talk about war. This kind of war I speak of, is the war in which the ego needs for it to stay in tact, yet what those who identify completely with the conditioned ego mind, is that they currently fail to realize that no matter how much they identify with the conditioned ego mind’s reactivity that keeps it in conflict with all life, including the soul within, is that this will not stop the being within everyone, from continually learning,growing and expanding from their experience of being.
Please forgive the mistakes in the informations given down. if i am wrong at some point please correct me so i can correct my mistake.
New World Order (In a positive way)
Hello friends. I want to share with you all my newest realizations.
this morning i was once more watching Matias De Stefano's video.( if some of you don't know about him; short info: he is a young enlightened person who is on earth
for preparing humanity for the evolution in a positive way. he answers the biggest questions of the existence history) . I will try to explain what i realized by using one of his examples.
subject: Learning trough hard way or easy way
info: we are all on earth for evolving to oneness by getting wisdom trough our experiences.
In previous posts we have established our mind plays a huge role in determining how our “reality” is played out. Lets go a little into the process. Why, for example, can I hold thoughts and intentions (vibrations) to be rich and have the perfect job, and it doesn’t happen right away? Why are there some people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, etc. that seem to already have that wealth consciousness? All three were school dropouts, in the case of Richard Branson high school dropout, yet they still were able to become some of the most rich and successful people in the world. Why not me?